When Dust Settles: Sandstorm {Official Lore}

When Dust Settles: Sandstorm

Official Lore

WDS (When Dust Settles) Sandstorm is set in the year 2090 after the world was destroyed from Nuclear War several months following the start of World War 4. Many countries were destroyed and its people decimated but a few, developed countries survived.

Sandstorm takes place in Vancouver, Canada, in the town of Maple-wood. World War 4 started in 2076 and following the nuclear war, a nuclear winter enveloped the planet killing the majority of humanity from Starvation, Disease and Radiation. Following the 8 year nuclear winter, Canada’s government initiated Project: Reassemble in an attempt to cling on to Canada’s knowledge, culture and humanity as it they try to rebuild the country.

The story starts here.


People in Canada tend to use Pre-War currency. Things like Penny’s, Nickles, Dimes and Quarters. Paper money is very rare and also accepted. Since the Canadian Government only made money before 2076, economic deflation has occurred. Things that used to cost 2 dollars now may only cost 1-2 cents depending on where you buy it and how rare the item is. Usually, a purified water bottle would cost around 2 cents. A Jacket around 20 cents and a good rifle around 4 dollars. It is also common for people to bypass the currency trade entirely by trading items.

Groups & Factions

Canadian Civilian & Cultural Preservation Force (CCCPF)

This faction has existed since 2080. It was formed/re-commisioned out of/because of Project: Reassemble in an attempt to preserve Canada as a country along with its Culture, Knowledge, and People for future generations. It is run by the Canadian Government and aims to rebuild pre-2076 Canada and then spread in an effort to bring the world back together. This faction is equipped with more supplies than any other faction. This faction operates under strict laws.

CCCPF bases are usually the safest places in the war torn country. They offer free beds, food, warm clothes and protection. Due to logistical problems, the CCCPF saw more activity in Ontario then any other province and most of its supplies were moved there but it still has enough supplies to do its job without a hassle.

United People’s Of Canada (UPOC)

This faction has existed since the mid 2080’s. UPOC is a group of Ex-CAF units banded together into a group. This faction is practically nationwide. Not operated but supported by the CCCPF, the UPOC build settlements for survivors and defend there locations against mutants. They often gather there own supplies and help out the CCCPF during harsh times. The UPOC see that it is their job to help bring Canada back to its former glory and humanity.

Northern Liberation Force (NLF)

This faction has existed since early 2080’s and is an extremist political faction. They have the goal of restoring Canada to a more “free” state in which there are little laws and people are free to trade and socialize without boundaries. They hold a deep resentment towards the UPOC and think that they are ruining the hopes of restoring Canada. After Canada’s government deployed forces towards Ontario in 2060, CFB Alexandria was left mostly un-occupied. Its residents moved their families there and maintained the fort. They wish to “free” all Canadian people’s from the governments apparent “opposition” against the non government occupation Canadians.

This faction has taken over 3 of the UPOC’s many settlements and has forced them into a single settlement in the Middle of Maple-wood. This faction possesses multiple Anti-Tank guns within its base and loads of ammunition and weaponry.

Foreigners Defense Band (FDB)

This faction has existed since late 2080’s after CCCPF’s un-cooperation in aiding Non-Canadian peoples. This faction holds a very deep resentment of the CCCPF and is known to attack any CCCPF units they see. While not the most well-armed, they do posses alot of vehicles and amour along with some light machine guns attached to Humvee’s.

This faction consists of any Non-Canadian peoples and some rouge Canadian Ex-NLF units.
They sometimes cooperate with the NLF to attack CCCPF squads and raid UPOC settlements.


This isn’t really a faction, more of a group of individuals who have died due to radiation and have been mutated and reanimated. There are alot of different types of mutants which we will go through below:

Keep in mind, you must have LPM permission to RP as a RAD IV.

RAD I Mutants
RAD I mutants are either:

  • "The Mutated": A normal mutant that has turned green and or is rotting away due to radiation, these mutants will attack any humans they see. Generally unarmed but posses melee weapons on rare occasions. Only found near “The Center”. Can be killed from a well placed bullet.

  • "Chargers": A mutant with extreme running capabilities able to break down wood, scrap metal and stone. Will charge into any human it sees and attempt to smash them into something until they die from their injuries. Only found near “The Center”. Can be killed from a well placed bullet.

RAD II Mutants

  • "Climbers": A mutant that possesses the ability to scale walls and ceilings. Will pounce on any human it sees and attempt to bite and scratch them to death. Only found in dark areas located near “The Center”. Can be killed from a well placed bullet.

RAD III Mutants

  • "Loners": These mutants are non aggressive and are discriminated against by other mutants. They will generally attempt to hide among human populated areas by hiding their skin. Their skin is a faded red and is sensitive to light. Can be killed with a few bullets due to its similar anatomy to regular humans. Can be seen anywhere except in FDB and UPOC bases.

RAD IV Mutants

  • "Crushers": These mutants are up to 3 times the size of a regular human and will attempt to rip apart any human they come across. They are very hostile. Can only be killed with high caliber guns or a large amount of guns, typically the amount of bullets from a squad of M4A1’s. Only seen near "The Center"

  • "Planters": These mutants are usually a light yellow or blue and will infect any human or building they come across. They lay plants that produce spores to infect any living organisms they eventually grow into “Chargers”. These mutants are very aggressive but surprisingly easy to kill sometimes dying to a single pistol shot to the torso.


Maple Cove

Maple Cove is a small complex of houses. A Pre-War town that is located near CFB Alexandria. Maple Cove was saved from most of the blast due to its proximity to the blast.
The town has been looted dry except for a few supplies in certain locations. Maple Cove is home to some survivors for short periods of time. The FDB have a base located on-top of the Maple market.

CFB Alexandria

This was a Canadian Forces base, constructed in 2045, it was abandoned in 2076 when Canada’s Government decided to move more units towards Ontario and away from other Provinces. The base was maintained and still possesses electricity and plumbing. It pumps water from the Lake Silver. This base is inhabited by the Northern Liberation Force (NLF). The NLF are very dis fond of the Canadian Civilization and Cultural Preservation Force (CCCPF) and are known to attack them on sight and take them hostage whenever possible.

The proximity of CFB Alexandria to the Canadian Civilization & Cultural Preservation Force Bunker means that NLF are constantly able to gun down CCCPF unless they are properly armed.

Maple Overlook

Maple Overlook is a large UPOC settlement built out of scrap metal. This town is inhabited by the UPOC and survivors. It is also home to some RAD III Outcasts who work as construction workers. This town is connected to a road that goes East to West. This road is used for transporting goods for trade. This road goes along the CCCPF Bunker for extra protection while steering clear of CFB Alexandria. This town is the main hotspot for survivors. It has working water, electricity, elevators, working AC and plenty of resources. Maple Overlook also has access to its own farm out back, it grows Potatoes, Corn, Beans, Yams, and Wheat. The farm is very productive however, during cold periods, the farm is useless. Maple Overlook has been provided a bunch of supplies as of 2089 from the CCCPF in order to help keep the survivors alive. Maple Overlook has enough resources to go without the farm for 2 months and enough ammunition, guns, medical supplies and MRE’s to hold a raiding party or enemy faction off for up to 7 weeks.

Canadian Super Store

The Canadian Super Store is a large Super Store located East of Maple Overlook. It is surprisingly well stocked on supplies, however, it is also home to a gang of raiders who camp out on the roof. Many people have tried to enter but they have never succeed. Attempts have been made to get the gang off the roof but they seem to posses an excess amount of weaponry and ammo, possibly provided by the NLF to make sure the CCCPF and UPOC dont gain access as NLF units have been seen entering and exiting the store without the gang even showing the slightest bit of attention. The gang has not yet been identified however the gang has been there since 2087.

Canadian Convenience

Canadian Convenience is a gas station attached to the road running next to Maple Overlook. It has been semi-looted and still contains some food and water supplies. It also has a fair amount of gas left in its pumps waiting to be siphoned. The UPOC have set up a camp there to help ration the supplies and gas since the gas is a very valuable thing during this time period.

Red Maple Complex

Red Maple Complex was a scrap town home to the UPOC and a load of survivors but it was shelled by the NLF in 2084. It has since been abandoned. It still has a bit of supplies but its mostly rubble and a little bit of structures made of metal.

The Center

The Center is the location of the giant plant-like structure that emits spores that infect humans and turn them into mutants. Exposure to The Center can be fatal within a range of 10 meters. However, if you have good breathing equipment you are safe to go near and enter The Center though there are an abundance of mutants. Not many people have been in and lived to tell the tale.

Lake Silver

Lake Silver is located East of the Canadian Super Store. It has been relatively left alone aside from the radiation in the water. It also has a dock with a couple boats though all are un-operational.

Apple Wood Complex

Apple Wood Complex is a complex of apartment buildings that have been inhabited by the FDB. The Complex is under some sort of lock down as the entrances are blocked and guarded 24/7. Only Survivors, NLF and FDB are allowed in and any other faction members will be instantly gunned down, same goes for mutants.

Canadian Civilization & Cultural Preservation Force Bunker

The Canadian Civilization & Cultural Preservation Force Bunker is a large, Canadian JTF2 Bunker that had been renovated for the CCCPF in 2084. The JTF2 Members have been transformed into UPOC members. The CCCPF bunker is loaded with supplies and weapons. It has a wide garage of cars most with mounted Machine Guns. It has working lights and plumbing. The CCCPF bunker is inhabited by the CCCPF. The CCCPF Bunker has multiple rooms for Research, Planning, Weapons, Barracks, Cafeterias, Training and Technology.

American/NATO Outpost

The American/NATO Outpost is an Outpost located next to Maple Overlook. It is home to NATO Soldiers from a bunch of different Countries, mostly America. It receives supplies from Maple Overlook. The Soldiers of this outpost often work with the CCCPF to battle the NLF and FDB. Rarely, the American and British Soldiers will show a small amount of dis-test towards the CCCPF but the relationship is still somewhat healthy.

RP Rules

The following is not permitted and will be seen as FRP’ing if violated.

  • Shooting without reason
  • Roleplaying as a faction without being in that group. (Exceptions include: UPOC Private’s & FDB Militiamen)
  • Acting out of basic common sense ( Screaming for no reason, climbing walls, jumping fences etc)
  • RP’ing as Using tools you dont own in game
  • RP’ing as Killing other players without Permission to Kill
  • Being in a faction controlled area without being apart of that faction without good reason
  • Abusing Prop Builder Tool
  • Avoiding Out Of Character Rules. (No going into other peoples homes, bases, forts. Breaking unbreakable things without tools, opening locked doors etc.)
  • Roleplaying as a Non-NATO remnant
  • Being unrealistically tall, having unrealistic weight, age, body shape, face etc)
  • Having more money than realistically possible
  • Abnormal abilities
  • Being “Half Mutant” “Half Human”. Or another combination of species.
  • Using Permission Accessories without LPM permission. (Bullet & Knife Proof Vests, Armour Piercing Bullets, Auto Turrets, Explosive Ammo and Incendiary Ammo etc.)

Just act realistically to the lore and you will be just fine!

Visit the portal for more content When Dust Settles: Offical Portal

Game is not released yet, this message will be deleted when it is released


CCCPF Officer Armed with a HLMP-IIIA. Fully Armored for combat.
(Armour made in studio by me, clothing equipped from catalog.)


Added a Concept section. It will include models that are going to be added in game.