Reproduction Steps
No known cause and I cannot reproduce it. I get 4/5 player feedback an hour reporting this issue.
Must enter game then sit in either seat or vehicle seat. Jump out then engine will not detect anymore seats in the whole game after this point. Also after this point you cannot reset you character.
Expected Behavior
Player should be able to sit down in a seat. Player should be able to reset character.
Actual Behavior
I was not able to record in my game. But this is an exact reproduction from Work at Pizza Place.
Note: Scooter in video did not have a vehicle seat just like my game.
Issue Area: Engine Issue Type: Other Impact: Critical Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: 2021-08-21 00:08:00 (-06:00) Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-26 00:08:00 (-06:00) A private message is associated with this bug report
So far none of us have been able to reproduce this ourselves in Work at a Pizza Place or in attempts to create a reproduction Studio. Is there any other reproduction steps?
So Pizza Place was an example of the issue recorded. The issue reported is for Brookhaven RP.
Sunday night, the 23rd, was the last time I was able to witness the problem. That night I went into Brookhaven servers on mobile and on PC, both platforms had the same identical issue. These last few days I have tried over 100 times on my game and 20 to 30 times at pizza place but have not witnessed it again. But with a high player count of Brookhaven, I’m getting about 4 to 5 bug reports an hour on this problem. Again the only way that I know how to reproduce it is to sit in a seat. Thanks
Looking in the feedback history I started getting a few isolated incidents on Saturday / Sunday. I witnessed it myself twice Sunday night, but Monday at 1:00PM is when feedback started flooding in. Thanks
This is anecdotal and might not be related, but I noticed this occurring in Build a Boat For Treasure a couple days ago. Sitting in a seat would only work once and if you jumped out, you’d have to reset your character before being able to sit down again. Thought it was a bug specific to the game but after seeing this I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a Roblox issue.
Nope I just joined right now and it seemed like it was working fine. I noticed the problem a couple days ago when building with two friends and placing seats on the same boat. We all had the issue where we could only sit in a seat once per character reset. Today I just tested it on my own and everything was working fine.