When using TextChatService, show chat history when joining a game in the same manner that Lua Chat did

Hello. I develop on both Heroes Battlegrounds (fighting game) and Checho’s Deltarune RP (roleplay game). In the wake of Legacy Chat being removed entirely and TextChatService becoming forced, we’ve been looking at how our games will be affected by this switch.

One major downside that the new chat system has over the old one is that it does not show chat messages sent before the user joined the game. This helped a user acclimate to what was going on and feel engaged before even doing anything. I’ll provide two examples of how this old behavior personally positively affected the games I work on.

  • In a roleplay game, this lets a user see any active roleplays the moment they join, along with any active RP advertisements. Additionally, it lets them view a brief snippet of how everyone talks, letting them single out people who match their preference for quality in an RP.
  • In a fighting game, this lets a user see if the current server is unsuitable for any number of reasons (toxicity, teamers, different language etc.) and serverhop accordingly. On the other side of the coin, a more competitive and rowdy user may choose to stay in a server with other actively chatting users.

There are of course more examples to be made in other genres of games, but I can’t speak to them personally.

Both of these positives are now completely moot with the new chat system. Adding this feature would help alleviate some of our growing pains in moving to it.
Personally, I’d suggest adding it as a property on the TextChannel instance (eg. RetainChatHistory), but Roblox may decide how best to implement it.


I rely on this and similar functionality in my game Sword Heights Royal.

Another similar request that I have is to maintain a client’s chat history as they teleport, for a consistent and seamless social experience. I do this in SHR so that players can maintain their active conversation as they queue-up, and enter matches.

I also support adding this as a property. I’ve had the same idea on my mind too. I think some games would be better off with the current behavior, while others would benefit having chat history support. It’s best to give developers the freedom to choose the behavior they see fit for their uses cases in their games.

I’m bumping this because I am currently running into a bit of a pickle. I am porting LegacyChat to use TextChatService, but there is one feature I wont be able to keep working, and that is the Message History Log.

For any custom chat system, it is currently impossible to implement a message history log system using TextChatService’s api

TextChatService’s api doesn’t have anything for message history, so right now, the message history log still uses the TextService:FilterStringAsync() method, because no other alternatives exist. However, I believe keeping this past april 30th would go against Roblox’s requirement to use TextChatService, as this is probably considered a “Chat”

Also can we please have TextChannel:SendAsync() on the server (although would have to pass a player parameter somehow)

Bumping this because this is actually somewhat game-breaking for me.
With old chat, messages sent by the server upon joining were guaranteed to be received because the history was always there.

With TextChatService, I have to rely on a janky hack that assumes the client loads the chat in a small 2-3 second time window just to send a system message on join, which obviously wouldn’t work in cases like mobile where join times can be up to half a minute or even more.
(this is even worse considering there’s no way for client scripts to detect when TextChatService has fully finished initializing, so I can’t even implement a clean workaround for it on the client!)

If it’s gonna replace old chat entirely then it should at least preserve it’s old behaviour. I don’t see a point in breaking known behavior for something that also hurts players.

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