Which tree model is better..?

Hey there!

I have 3 tree’s, each would go for this map I made: Snow Showcase: I need some feedback!. There is a poll below, vote which tree should replace the old trees on my map. By the way, in the replies section, please tell me if there is an easier way to change all the trees without having to delete them and place new ones… Or going through each one and changing the part’s color and material…

  • The top tree image.
  • the middle tree image.
  • The bottom tree image.
  • All of them mixed.

0 voters


For the second image, you might want to consider setting the snow material to smooth plastic to better fit the style for the rest of the tree. Aside from that detail, they all look pretty good! Nice work.

It really comes down to the preference of whoever looks at it. Some people like certain colors and some people like certain materials.

I choosed all of them mixed because of top one and bottom one. But personally I would only do bottom one and top one. The mid one looks too simple. And the other ones look more well worked.

Hi you should replace the top tree with your normal trees, the top tree looks the best in my opinion. I only really suggest changing the bark on the tree to a darker brown.