One of the issues with R6 was that if you wanted to enable/disable collisions for a limb, you couldn’t, because ROBLOX reset collisions rapidly. We had to hack around this by overwriting collisions on Stepped. Now, with R15, ROBLOX is still hacking character collisions by setting CanCollide every frame / at some rapid interval. Collisions should be set when the character is created and never touched afterwards – if the developer changes collisions for limbs, their changes should persist and not be overwritten immediately afterwards.
I think we can remove this restriction, I’m not 100% sure though. I really do want to change this so hopefully we can re-evaluate why we are doing this and stop doing it if possible.
Any word on this?
I assume there has been some progress since then as well.
Any progress on this? I can’t think of a logical way to fix this problem that doesn’t involve making players not able to collide with each other.
Setting the density of other characters to very low values had no effect on other players ability to push you. This is in Studio as well with minimal latency, on live servers it’s much worse.
We are waiting on some changes to the physics system before updating the character collisions. We are still working out some bugs in those changes, so unfortunately, it will be a little while longer.
Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Take your time with the physics changes, as the physics system is pretty important.