Why do accessories cause my characters crumple like this?

Every time i try to copy my rigs they crumple up, ive figured out its because of accessories but still cant figure out why they do this

Left: after copying | Right : before copying

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Where are the attachments connecting to? It looks like they’re all going to the humanoid root part and they need to be in a specific location.

Try to delete accessories one by one then click the “back” arrow, I have the same problem and it fix it for me.

I tried this and it didnt work

All attachments are named to the attachment theyre supposed to be on

It’s strange, for me it works :confused:

Can you show us our explorer and properties for one of the misplaced accessories?

The only way to fix it is by ungrouping it and grouping it again, though I have no idea why this happens, sadly :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

when you clone a character they both appear in the same place. What if you clone it in a place that is not workspace and then move one to workspace and the one that you moved to workspace you move it to a different place than it was already when you do that you move both to workspace
In summary: clone them in replicatedstorage, move one to the workspace and put it in a random position that is not the same, and once you have done that, move the other to the workspace.

Drag the humanoid out of the rig and then back in?