Why does my games like ratio suck?

I made a post a while back where I asked why my games like ratio and engagement sucked. I got lots of useful feedback and now I’ve managed to grow my game a bit.

But the like ratio STILL sucks. Previously the reason it was getting dislikes was because of several game-breaking bugs but I’m pretty sure I fixed all of them now. But I’m still getting lots of dislikes?

can someone tell me why this might be?

heres the game

Some people hate to hate, but you’re also promoting it as a Battlegrounds game when the gameplay isn’t that at all. Changing the name could help attract the right crowd.

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it is a battle ground game though, just not in the sense people on Roblox currently thing about it. the NPCs are the ones doing the battling with you on the battleground. But honestly that’s probably what it is, I didn’t think about that

Oh man. I know exactly why it has a bad rating.

It’s not balanced. It’s 100% lack of team balance in a competitive game.

You can do what you want with your game, but that doesn’t mean people will enjoy it.

If some one joins and they have 0 chance of winning, chances are they are going to leave, and if it’s imbalanced enough, they will down vote it as well.

There is such thing as too much of a challenge.

You can also be spawn killed.

I joined twice and the second time, my team was beaten within 30 seconds. My team was completely unable to defend itself. That’s a gameplay flaw, and if you ask around, most people care about gameplay more than anything else.


do you have suggestions on how I could potentially balance it better?

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Yes, but I’d like to play on PC first.

From trying the game on mobile, I’d make the NPCs spawn the same on each team and fight each other equally. As alternative to having NPCs owned by individual players. I’d have the upgrades personal and not impact the NPCs.

Do what you can, and remember that you still have people that enjoy your game either way.

im not sure exactly what you mean. do you mean have only 1 troop type and a set team npc limit? but what if one player uses out all that limit, will others not be able to place? also then I won’t be able to have coins since it’s a factor into how many npc’s you can place

No. I mean to have automated NPC armies battle each other without players placing NPCs at all. This would allow for players to join the NPC battle.

but then I feel like that separates the npcs from the players and is kinda a completely different game. The players will just ignore the npcs battling and go to the opponents flag or statue. and without an army to control it would take forever to break the statue. also then there wouldn’t really be a winning side of npcs since both sides are equal. The game’s concept is about controlling your own army and I feel like that kinda takes away from it. Might be a good idea for another game though with some different mechanics