Why does my weld not work

my tween has welds to a main part. only the main part works.


What property are you tweening? If it is the part’s position then this can break welds.

Welds only listen to CFrame change. Not position changes. You have to tween the CFrame instead of the Position.

part position. but it doesn’t work in studio either. i mean i am moving the part but the others don’t move with it.

i don’t understand cframes though.

Can you send your tween? CFrames are definitely worth learning!

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Simply change everything to:

local tg = {CFrame = bp.CFrame}

so i basically i change vector3?

Yes, it will become:
local tg = {CFrame = bp.CFrame}
local sg = {CFrame = s.CFrame}
…and so on.

Not quite. Switch Position = to CFrame =

Then set it to bp.CFrame

Exactly like above:
local tg = {CFrame = bp.CFrame}

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it spun in a really weird way then crushed me lol. at least the welds worked

yeah i have no idea how to fix the spinning asaiuehfiwegwqer

Can you send what code you have now?


It just needs to be:
CFrame = bp.CFrame

CFrame encompasses a Vector3 as well as rotation, so no need to individually define the X, Y and Z.

so i just keep the Y value? sorry i’m bad with cframes lol

local tg = {CFrame = bp.CFrame}

Copy and paste that on top of the current tg variable. That is all you need.

where do i put the value afterwards?