Why does studio freeze every time I change a setting in Security?

Every single time I change a setting in the


it doesn’t work and it freezes studio and I have to close it using Task manager.

Any fixes?


That happens to me too and this belongs in #platform-feedback:studio-bugs

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I thought it might only be happening for me, I’ll make a bug report later.


Several posts already exist for this

Staff are working on fixing this bug lol

If your on windows, you can paste this into command bar on search bar to kill studio without having the hastle of opening task manager:

taskkill /f /im RobloxStudioBeta.exe

Thanks for the clarification :slight_smile:

Believe it is a platform bug.
Happens to me too.


This happened to me numerous times, very annoying.


Very annoying, yes. I just want to enable httpservice :sob:

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Its a little bug… There are many people that have this bug , I heard the staff is working on it and I understand its annoying but we cant do anything other that wait for now. :smile:

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I hope it gets fixed soon! :smile:


I hope too… :smiley: Im sure everything will be fine.

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This happens to me but on permissions.

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I think it happens when you change an option in game settings.

There is a bug with Game Settings at the moment, which is affecting many developers a workflows when having to change the game name or localization.

Best solution? Edit a single section one at a time and save so you don’t have to restart your PC/Laptop and research on how to remove it, it’s how I do it.


This happened to me a week ago! I restarted my computer and that seemed to work, however restarting your computer closes roblox studio; you might lose progress.

Also this post belongs in #platform-feedback:studio-bugs like @BaggyChris said. :slight_smile:

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It seems staff are aware of this, I don’t feel the need to make a bug report.

Bruh happened to me too when I was in a game that I was working on for hours… auto-correct saved me there even though its annoying, just like sibling am I right guys?

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Well technically that was your fault for not saving up your stuff while you work on it. If autosave wasn’t there, you’d probably be very sad.

Yeah I guess so :confused: thanks for the feedback.