Why has our game failed?

Our game is a Roleplay game that was in development for 2 years. We advertised for a reason we are not yet sure of the game failed. It barely got any players and that was that. If anyone could play and give feedback so we can improve further projects we would appreciate it. Locwood Village - Roblox


I also have this problem with my game, with over 3 years of development all by myself I did all the building, scripting, making pets and making textures :frowning: I Advertised/Sponsored it with over 3K Robux but I maybe had 70K+ impressions and only 200+ players joining so I dont know where it goes wrong :sweat_smile: Maybe it needs time but I dont think Advertising or Sponsoring ur Game helps alot??

Game: Miniature Parkour - Roblox

could benefit from more thumbnails, a description that pops out more, a community server or other place for a community (as well as perhaps codes or another thing that makes people join), a better/more readable game ui with a neater loading screen and skippable dialogue, a more easy-to-understand setting (once you speak to the guy at spawn, you’ve got no idea where to go), etc. it looks interesting, but its confusing and basic.

your game hasnt failed. games dont fail unless you give up on them. you need to keep nurturing it and trying your best to grow it. i believe it can take off if you keep trying!


Honestly, it’s all your (even other people complaining) fault and what I hate the most is that most new indie developers fall into this trap.

All the mistakes you did (Don’t bother correcting me, I know you did them):

  1. No research: Have you bothered even researching if people/consumers would bother playing ur game? You have done in the beggining? Well, that’s still no good because the market changes continously and the research you did 1 years ago may be completely worthless now.
  2. Overcommited: You spent 2 years on a game without any assurance for profit or anything else and as a first game… First games are supposed to be a cash grab to fund your later projects. A first project WASN’T, ISN’T and WILL never be your magnum opus, mather of fact nobody cares if it will be or not as you are considered a begginer.
  3. Made a passion project: You want money and fame or the satisfaction of doing what you like, if you choose the later, I hope you enjoy that feeling. We don’t live in an ideal world, life is unfair, truthfully, everyone is unfair with one another as much as we would like to be fair. WHAT YOU LIKE ISN’T AND PROBABLY WILL NEVER WILL WHAT EVERYBODY ELSE WANTS! and IF YOU WANT A PROFITABLE GAME, MAKE A GAME PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY, NOT A GOOD GAME!. Yes, making a profitable game isn’t about making a good game, it’s about making an entertaining game. Look at Palworld, the developers even admitted to using AI.
  4. Marketing: Did you make GTA VI? Wow, how come I never heard about it? Marketing is as (probably even more than) important as developing your game. You cannot make a profitable game if you don’t advertise it since the early phases. This will help gain fans and funders.

How to improve:

  1. Admit your the one that messed up and the problem. The first half of solving a problem is identifying it.
  2. Learn from your mistakes. Read everything I wrote, hone your skills, network, do everything you can to prevent the mistakes you made.
  3. Give yourself a brake. Stop and reflect, most certainly you will repeat them once again if you start so soon. Take some time for yourself, do something you like, make a project just for fun, don’t even expect to make something out of it, do it because you like to. The point is to give yourself time to learn and mature.

I’m sorry for the fact that you wasted 2 years of your life… Life sucks, if you don’t learn from this experience eventually you will learn later, but it’s better to learn now. Hope this helps.

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This is quite a funny response.

  1. “Did I do research” Yes? I made a roleplay game because I saw how popular roleplay games were. And I am a big fan of realism, so I tried to make a medieval styled roleplay game. Roleplay games are as popular as they were 2 years ago if not even more popular.

  2. “Overcommited” This game wasn’t supposed to take 2 years, things happen in life lol. The idea that your first game is supposed to be a cash grab is really stupid in my opinion. Make games for whatever reason you want, it doesn’t need to be some well thought out plan.

  3. Yeah I chose the later. I am just curious what went wrong in my game so I can improve. I don’t even really care about making money, more so just improving my game making skills.

  4. If you read my post you would see that I did advertise. I’ll admit I should have advertised in the beggining but I didn’t. And that didn’t change the fact that my game had a short retention, which is why I am here…

Finally, I didn’t waste 2 years of my life. I never said that. If anything it’s been a really valuable 2 years as I have become a very seasoned developer in that time.

None the less, thanks for the feedback?


gg bro take your loss, and go home.:sob:

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I don’t really play RP games, but I never heard of a RP game with 1 or 2 devs.

It probably is also your fault you admit you didn’t (or intended to) put much work into it

If you made the game as a passion game for yourself why do you care about the fact that others don’t play it?

Advertising != Marketing
Advertising is a way to Market and not the only one.

If you didn’t waste your time on this game and you did it to become a “seasoned” developer, then the game isn’t a failure as it did accomplish it’s purpose to teach you.

Loss? In what way did I lose something if there was something to lose?

Without talking about the game, I can tell you that, your game did not reach the algorithm and is basically impossible to find by using search. Is that because your game is bad? No, I have no idea if your game is good or bad, but your game never gets the chance to actually present itself as it does not reach players

Roblox is really bad at promoting new games… I can see that your game has 500 visits, which is nothing, and far from enough to get into the roblox algorithm. I actually don’t know what it takes for the algorithm to pick up your game, but you basically have to gamble with multiple thousands sponsored ads (30k+???, I think I’ve seen?), or get players from social medias (which sucks imo)

I have seen games with 30k visits make it to the recommended for you section, not lower. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a completely different metric that determines what gets in the category, but one thing is for sure, your game wont get promoted by roblox without an initial playerbase (unless maybe it is targeted towards 7 years old? Apparently, some people got lucky)

I have a game that seems to be slowly growing (monthly active users is getting a bit higher). It appears quite high up when you search for it

(Don’t ask me why there is such a high discrepancy between impressions and plays…)

Search still doesn’t seem to account for a lot of new users (unless the analytics are broken lol)
One thing I have been doing is going on Developer Hub, and “advertising” my game there. The unique nature of my game probably helps a lot to make it stick out, so it might not be as effective for you

I also sponsored it for 1 750 robux (6.14 ads credits). The results were a bit disappointing, you probably need good monetization to make it worth it, or have to spend enough to get the game into the algorithm

Another thing to note is that it seems to be a lot better to make a grand release, instead of releasing your game as a “beta” or “experimental”. The algorithm seems to forget about your game if it has been open (had some but little players) for a while, but isn’t growing. I have another game that literally doesn’t appear at all when you search for it (without quotes)


3K robux isn’t going to bring in big CCU numbers if you’re only using Roblox ad manager for advertising.

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  1. Brookhaven
  2. I never said I didn’t work my fullest on it. I said that I things in life take priority over the game.
  3. I care about making a better game in the future.
  4. Sure
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Starting the game immediately offers no other gameplay elements besides walking to the next point of interest, with the allure of a morality system in some form. New players might also immediately leave because they didn’t get interested like you intended.

This is really insightful. I’m questioning whether to scrap the game. Or to work on it and do another release. I tried advertising on social media but even then it didn’t pick up. And I am past the stage where I can gain hype with works in progress. Thanks for the feedback.


I understand your point. But you have the ability to go to your house, get a job as a Barista, customise your character. I could look at making the start more interesting?

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Navigation! The first guy left and I was pretty clueless but made it to a story location. Other audiences might need some help

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I see. For the first quest I can add arrows to direct the player.


You could stack and mess with gameplay mechanics as the story progresses,
like bombs opening doors, a golden key that only opens golden doors everywhere,
a sword that talks to you but it’s quirky, sniper grapples,

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Before and IF you do another sponsor campaign I would recommend changing a few things!

  • In my opinion the soundtrack you chose doesn’t actually fit with the game and is quite basic; most people have heard it. There are many free BGMs available that I could think of that would be a much better fit!

  • The character scaling you forced would instantly turn me off from this game if I were to come across it on my own! I don’t think forced scaling is bad in itself but these proportions aren’t great for an RP game.

  • More hand-holding for some players might be needed! I think arrows would do the trick but ruin some immersion. Adding an interactive map with markers in the top right similar to many RPGs could be an idea!

  • The UI is nice but it feels inconsistent in areas! The minigames and daily login feel off compared to the rest. This is a small issue though and probably won’t affect much

That was just the little bit of feedback I had for the 5 minutes that I did play the game. I think the game is actually quite interesting and with the right touches could be very immersive.

Also, your game hasn’t failed yet. Games will either need a lot of time or sponsors to be properly recommended in the algorithm. Even the best of games seem to take around 1-2 weeks to get in. You just need to keep trying, improve the game, and sponsor/advertise when ready!


Ahh okay. These are things is will address. Thanks for the feeedback.

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As part of the upgrades being made, this is some of the UI being introduced. We feel this is a lot better and fits the whole theme better. Please leave any feedback!