Why is AssemblyLinearVelocity lagging?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
  • I want to make an accurate knockback for my combat system.
  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
  • I tried searching it on google, but I couldn’t really find anything.
  • I tried using :ApplyImpulse() which is still laggy, I don’t want to use .Velocity, BodyVelocity and other body movers as they’re deprecated.

After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!

  • I don’t have any more “Details” to Include. I have tried my best to make the topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help me.

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

  • Yes, I have not asked for others to write entire scripts for me.
  • I was able to answer the three questions above, I am able to post in this category.

Can I get replies now? :slight_smile:

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There are two potential causes that I can think of. They might be:

  1. Not using automatic network ownership: You might want to check the network ownership of the NPC (see Network Ownership | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub). It is possible that the server owns the NPC and does all the physics calculations on it. These are not perfectly synchronized with the client.

  2. Incorrect use of the BasePart.ApplyImpulse method: Maybe you did not call it once, but also along the way during the knockback. Kind of like kicking a ball and kicking it mid-air again.