Why is Experimental Mode Still An Option?

What do you mean create a safe testing environment? Test with experimental mode off. That’s a safe environment, and an environment where you can properly test your game without switching later and realizing something doesn’t work with it off.


When you say experimental off, do you intend to also have FE also disabled?

Experimental mode is FilteringEnabled off.

Experimental mode = FilteringEnabled off
Experimental mode off = FilteringEnabled on

This rebranding has been around for a year.


Well, overall I think that experimental mode is for testing games privately and safely. Thus, with friends of the creators. FE being on would allow everyone to join and wouldn’t be secluded testing.

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Then change the place settings to only let friends in.


When I was new(ish) to coding I made whole games without FE. I always defended those who didn’t want to use it. Once I learned FE I never went back.

The main reason I never used FE was because I had to learn all the stuff I already learned again (in a way). I really think Roblox should just make it so the new devs learn to do things the right way the first time so they aren’t like me and procrastinate on learning it.


So like a set learning process that roblox isolates to learn FE?

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Fun fact, I was exposed to “adult content” when a I was a little kid for the first time through an exploiter at Hunger Games by SmoothBlock.

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With recent changes I agree, Experimental Mode becomes obsolete.

However, the issue to me is not removing Experimental Mode but why to even make Experimental Mode creator friends only?

It’s a very big change to be honest, most old games have become unavailable, even those that were great games and were still active, such as Galleons.

The big issue with removing Experimental Mode is exactly those old levels that are still active.
Then there’re also small communities of friends that don’t use Filtering Enabled for their games, and most of these people are kids (don’t forget not only friends would join, but also friends of friends and so forth, all remaining under the same age range). Roblox already made Experimental Mode games not sortable/searchable, and I think that was enough of a change. They shouldn’t be in some sense banning people from playing Experimental Mode games.

A lot of free models that use local scripts or even scripts that require PlayerGui access would also break with removing Experimental Mode…

TL;DR: Experimental Mode is required in order to keep nostalgic games of Roblox and to maintain friendly small communities entertained (because they’d easily lose interest in Roblox if they become unable to play their games)

  • I’m aware it’s the opposite, which only makes it more confusing imo.
  • My bad
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Exactly, these older games aren’t up to date on security and as a result they don’t reflect the roblox idelogy and

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Roblox Security doesn’t really need to reflect into those olde games as every client update and such bring those along into the games. Doing so an easier and ideal solution would tonfofce all games regardless to be FE and the creator can disable on their own consented rules which will them implement Roblox’s view on “Friends Only” Joining the Experimental Games.


It doesn’t matter if you break the old games now, no one can play them in the first place.


If they just forced FE, the scripts would break but we’d be able to play maps. But they’re “broken” anyway

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I feel that they should force it in, even though it may annoy few people. My reason for thinking this is because it will make sure people learn filtering enabled because they got no choice. May sound brutal but honestly I think it’s a good way to make sure people learn it.


Filtering-enabled should be purely forced, rather than highly suggested. This change would force early learning of client and server connection, and also merit less community outcry (probably).


I agree 100%

I think Roblox’s biggest concern with Non-FE games is the safety of Users. Non-FE games can be easily exploited to display inappropriate content. For the most part Non-FE games are generally slower and don’t perform as well as a decently coded FE game.

I do have an issue with the removal, however. The only game I play on Roblox has lost a HUGE portion of its community because of this update. More experienced developers won’t have an issue with this other than it takes significantly more time to insert their work into the game and show off to others, but your every day average Joe who just wants to join and show off some Animations may get discouraged at the need to create a system for the replication of everything.

Any new developer should 100% go with creating an FE enabled game, but this game and community in particular is not wanting “experimental” mode because lack of knowledge or ability, but rather wants it so we can quickly and efficiently show off to other friends what we are coding.

I never have to activate FE manually, have you adjusted your settings in any ways?

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FE being enabled on template places is a fairly recent change. Of course, some users aren’t aware yet.