Why is my Roblox Studio's font like this?

:pushpin: So, today I got into Roblox Studio and for some reason, the entire application change the font to a basically unreadable font, it’s really ugly and I REALLY would like to change it.

:camera: image

:a: I haven’t seen anyone talking about this so far, yesterday it was normal, but today it changed to this random font…

:question: Does anyone know how I would be able to change this font to the regular one?


probably was a testing thing
because if it was actually an update it would also update my studio
but you can yeah change this by using settings on studio


It looks like an issue with your DPI scale rather than a font size, since everything seems to be scaled down. Do you have anything overriding default settings? (Probably graphics driver settings, Windows, or a setting in Studio)
Do try changing the font settings first, that would be the simplest solution (if it completely fixes the problem).

I tried it, it still doesn’t work.

Try reinstalling, this was reported as a bug here:

This is due to a corrupted download, re-installing should fix it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Source, from Roblox Staff:



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