Why is my sword that I made in Blender 1 GigaByte? (It can't load into studio)

I made a sword in Blender and exported it as an FBX file (also as an obj file) I couldn’t load it into Roblox Studio, it crashed studio. When I checked the file size it showed it as 1 GigaByte. I think I know why it is a gigabyte. I exported it with the texture I made in the shading tab. I don’t know how to burn it into a texture so if you can help by providing any sources on how I can burn it as a texture It would help! If it isn’t the texture, then it may be the fact that it has a lot of vertices. If it’s not that either, then I’m not sure what to do. I’ll attach some pictures below. Thanks!


You have way too many triangles in your mesh that your trying to import, Roblox currently has a max triangle count of 10,000 for each mesh, by the looks of your wireframe your sword has a lot of vertices.

in Blender you can try the ‘Decimate’ modifier to remove the majority of these vertices or similar you can use the ‘Remesh’ modifier to achieve a similar result.

This is how you can see your triangle count.


I’ll try that! If it works I’ll mark it as a solution. Thanks!

Wow it has A LOT of triangles

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How would I use decimate to remove the vertices?


Alright, thank you for showing me how to decimate!

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Just shade smooth instead, after decimating. A tutorial can be found here:


While other users’ advice about decimation would solve your problem, it’s best practice to avoid using decimation unless a certain feature of the model calls for it. It might look nicer if you remake the grip and pommel of the sword as those appear to be the biggest contributors to your high polygon count.

I’d also advise that you use subdivision and subdivision surface modifiers sparingly as these can drive the polygon count through the roof. This can harm performance and block import to Studio.

By “burn” you mean bake, right? Here’s a good tutorial: Bake Multiple Materials to One Texture Map (Blender Tutorial) - YouTube


Thank you! I exported a sword without the grip and it was only 400 kb! As for the burn, I meant bake. I really want to keep the grip on the sword, but since the grip is probably the main reason it can load into studio, I guess I have to take it off. Thanks again!

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