Why when i use AssemblyLinearVelocity on part it moves the all unanchored parts on Baseplate?(only on Baseplate)

I don’t know what to say more, you see the topic, maybe it is fault in my script or what.

It’s hard to help without some script to look at.

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Does your script search for all the parts in the workspace (I’m guessing your title means ‘CanCollide off’, or is the script just inside that one Part and only affects it.
Do the CanCollide off Parts have the Anchored Property true or false?
Are all those parts in a Model (Assembly) or are they welded together?

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Sorry, my bad not CanCollide off, Anchored off.
The script is in ServerScriptService.
Also if you want to see here is script parts which i use for this.

local WorkspaceService = game:GetService("Workspace")
local ReplicatedStorageService = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Turret = WorkspaceService:WaitForChild("Turret")
local TurretMainPart2 = Turret:WaitForChild("ShootPart")

local Bullet = ReplicatedStorageService:WaitForChild("Bullet")
local BulletSpeed = 500

		local NewBullet = Bullet:Clone()
		NewBullet.Position = TurretMainPart2.Position
		NewBullet.Parent = WorkspaceService
		NewBullet.AssemblyLinearVelocity = TurretMainPart2.CFrame.LookVector * BulletSpeed

Do you have another version of the script in the workspace?
Do all the parts move the same direction, or do they move in their own orientation?

Just a reminder, you don’t have to declare local WorkspaceService = game:GetService("Workspace"), you can just use the term workspace in your scripts without setting it as a variable.

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1.No, i haven’t.
2.Yes, they move to the same direction.

Are any of the parts Welded to the baseplate by mistake?

Uh, wait. Your saying the script above moves EVERYTHING on the workspace. Got it.

I see nothing obvious. More of the script maybe.

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Oh, yes, i just checked and Bullet was Welded to Baseplate. Thanks, i was very confused.

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