Hey, I’m trying to make an NPC play an animation but it isn’t working. Do you have any ideas why it isn’t.
local folder = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("CharacterFolder")
local humanoid = Folder:WaitForChild("Soldier"):WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local anim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(humanoid:WaitForChild("Animation"))
local anim = hum:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Anim)
And make sure there’s an animation in the NPC, and make sure you are the uploader of the animation or it wont work since it is not owned by you, If You would like to use the personal model I made for an animated Model, Then I’ll be glad to send it to you,! Hope this works though.
I don’t know why, but it worked for me to use the roblox default animations. Maybe because they are default animations Roblox is ok with me using them? I’ll give you the solution because that could help in the future with non-Roblox animations. Thanks everyone!