Why you should translate your games

Is translating games really worth it? Well, lets find out!

Ever since localization became a thing in 2018, it has helped a lot of developers get more players from around the world. There are many translators in the plataform now (myself included). A very good example of this would be the Roblox Localization Team. They have translated many front page games here on Roblox. There must be a reason why developers pay for these services, right? There is!

Translating games is beneficial to developers. Just look at this post for an example. It increased the game’s conversion rate by a lot. If you speak another language apart from English, you should really consider putting time and effort into translating your game.

But what if you don’t speak another language apart from English? Well, you can pay people to translate your game for you. But is it worth putting USD/Robux into translating your game? Totally! It will only cost a few hundred robux (depends on how much text has to be translated) to possibly get twice the amount of players you had before in your game, and increase revenue!

I really hope that this post convinced you to think about translating your games in the future. If you want my translating services, see this post. Thank you for reading this!


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