Will Roblox now allow us to link Discord servers (if we do it correcly)

Roblox recently released the Policy Service

This service has a function called GetPolicyInfoForPlayerAsync. The only usage Roblox has described this for is making games compliant for China.

However there are two other keys that this function returns

  • ArePaidRandomItemsRestricted - I assume this is for removing lootboxes from games where they are not allowed, eg. Belgium
  • AllowedExternalLinkReferences - Returns an array of strings of SocialMedia networks that the user is allowed to use

On that second one, it includes Discord. Does that mean if we use this function and check the user, we can finally link Discord Servers?

Example of how this could work

local PolicyService = game:GetService("PolicyService")
local UserPolicy = PolicyService:GetPolicyInfoForPlayer(LocalPlayer.UserId)
local CanUseDiscord = table.find(UserPolicy.AllowedExternalLinkReferences, "Discord")

if CanUseDiscord then
   --My UIs are generally based on framework systems so I'll leave an example of a module that loads the Discord Server Invite
   GuiFramework.LoadGuiWidget("DiscordInviteWindow", "Main")

Perhaps. This is my first time hearing about this Service, so I will definitely look into using this for external likes.

Edit: For my previous comments I had here, if the content isn’t banned in that specific country, and also abides Roblox’s ToS, then it will still exist on the Platform for that country.


Same with me. I must look onto this.


Discord continues to be blocked in any location other than the Social Media features. The array in AllowedExternalLinkReferences is only for references. In the case that you have an whitelisted external reference in your game, say Twitter since that’s not banned (promotional codes or promoting your page itself), you can use this reference list to turn it off for a player because their country does not allow that link by policy - provided you launch your game there.

You should wait for more information regarding the Global Compliance System as PolicyService has not been fully rolled out, as far as I know. Be sure to check the Announcements category for more information about Global Compliance and the Developer Hub for other documentation. Mentions about lifting the Discord ban have not been associated with any of the Global Compliance System thread(s) however, which is what PolicyService is primarily for.

More information for developers who don’t know what PolicyService is:

Another discussion thread: