Winter GFX || Feedback & Discussion

Being my first GFX in quite some time (and not being a GFX artist), It definitely is by no means the worst, but I’m ideally wanting criticism and feedback on how to improve my work for the future.

I did post this on other platforms a day or two ago, alongside a time-lapse and seem to be getting positive feedback, but people on here are 100% straightforward and really helpful when it comes to the likes of improving in artistic style

Thanks in advance :).


This is super cool. Really nothing to find that looks wrong. Real great job! Well done.

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Hey! This looks real good! Why is the body so thin though. Everything looks great!

This looks so good! Did Santa take a turn too fast causing these presents to fall off?

On a real, everything looks good but I feel there is a lot of space wasted. When I say wasted, I mean there seems to be a lot of space to make things a bit more bigger. At first glace, I didn’t even realise the character was inside the box. Maybe you can bring the camera closer to the character which would eliminate the empty space and further make it easier to see the characters in the box. Obviously, this is all personal preference and I love what you did here either way!


Thanks! I just had the general idea of making it seem like presents had been falling from the sky, but now that you’ve said that Santa could’ve caused this, I’ve clearly had a missed opportunity to add a sleigh in the distance. Alongside you talking about the missed space, I totally agree! If anything I definitely should’ve made the focal point significantly bigger instead of a similar size to the surroundings!
Thanks for your opinion, much appreciated!

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I’m so glad you took the criticism like a top developer and not lash out on me. Can’t wait to see more of your work in the future! :smiley:

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Well if anything its totally unprofessional to get angered towards people giving genuine criticism, as its something to expect in the industry as a way to help people excel! I’ll try to keep posting my work on here but for the most parts I never make my own little projects like this one!
I’ll have to find more time in-between commissions and assignments, but once again, your feedback is really beneficial for me:).


Glad to hear it dude, top guy.


Looks really good! I have been wanting to learn how to use Blender, but every time I sit down, I can’t figure anything out because of how un-user friendly it is.

I’d personally recommend sitting and watching tutorials by the likes of ‘Blender Guru’ and ‘CG Geek’.
Once you know the basic fundamentals of blender you’re set to make anything for quite some time, despite the occasional dead ends that even I still run into when modelling something, but theres always the blender forums and the devforums you can ask for assistance on!
With the likes of rendering, I mainly stick to creating the generic environment and adding backgrounds & particle effects in different softwares unless you want it directly affecting the object with lighting and stuff, which wasnt the case with the likes of the snow in this image.
–The snow in this image is literally just white dots on different layers with directional blur added to it.

Final note is that learning anything new takes commitment, but I’m 100% sure you’ll get there!.

Thanks for the help! I want to learn so I don’t have to pay 20k R$ for a GFX, instead have people pay me 20k R$. :upside_down_face:

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This is a very nice gfx! Keep it up!

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To be honest, I think there should be some “darkness” in the GFX.

That’s all I got, your gfx is great!

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it seems ok, only feedback isa that your posing isn’t really nice because of the camera perspective, snow looks fake, and there are too many presents

Hmm, what is meant by presets exactly? And the snow looks fake as its a PBR texture with amplified height map that i personally didnt know how to change.

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Yeah I understand what you’re getting at, but I thought darkness as wasnt mandatory as white typically reflects light instead of absorbing it like black does, hence why it always looks brighter outside once it has been snowing. Thanks for the criticism tho, will definitely take it into account in the future :)!

yes. the point is to change it to more realistic instead of looking like concrete.

presents? the things on the floor? the gifts? the boxes?

The gift boxes were placed in massive amounts as it was intended to look like a mass downpour of presents, with the theme being focussed on Christmas time and gifts etc (misread presents as presets hahah, oops!)
The terrain done by me, other than the textures, as I don’t own substance designer (yet :(…) and cant make detailed / realistic looking snow without learning how to utilise nodes inside of blender, which takes time!
Other than that, thanks for the criticism!

Like it doesn’t have to be all dark, a torch or lantern should do good.

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Decided to invest in substance designer today so hopefully this isnt an issue!