Wondering Where To Advertise My Group On The DevForum

Hello Developers! :hammer_and_wrench:

I’m wondering what category in the DevForum I should advertise my group in. Thanks in advance for your help!

Happy Building!

This is a bit off-topic from Discussion, #forum-feedback would probably be a better place?
Discussion is for discussing development related things.

I don’t think there’s necessarily a category for advertising your group in DevForum, however, if you’re looking to hire people #collaboration:recruitment would be the place to do so.

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Okay, thank you for your help!

Moved to #forum-feedback :slight_smile:

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I don’t think there is a place for group advertisement here on the forums, however there is a topic is for showing off what you’ve been working on and lots of people scroll through it:

If you want to grow a group I would suggest posting parts of your development as well as a link to your group.

(DO NOT post just your group. This would be considered spam)

So would a say some description along with the group link?

A photo or a video would be more appropriate — posts with just text typically get ignored. Remember to post pictures of your development, not just your group.

In #collaboration:recruitment, could I say we’re hiring ranks? Like not really big ones like Developer. Just ones we want to get more players at.

I think what he means by posting parts of development is something like:

Here’s a training center for this group: [Your group]
Insert Picture

or something like that in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations since you’d be showing off a creation.

Well, I’m a SHR (Senior High Rank) and I’m not a developer for this group, so I did not build the training center. Would it be okay if I posted it and wrote “this is for my group, made by (the developer)” etc?

No, you aren’t allowed to post creations you didn’t make. In addition, you can’t post a recruitment topic for in-game ranks. #collaboration:recruitment is reserved for development jobs.


Okay, thank you.

Typically each category has a “About the [category]” which gives you useful information on what you can and cannot post. They also typically contain other useful information, so I’d suggest you’d read those.
Here’s the post regarding the recruitment category in specific:

It states this:

This category is where developers can post job offers for long-term partnerships or short-term contract work for the development of their projects, and where other developers can find work opportunities.


So would that mean I could advertise my group at #collaboration:recruitment?

It specifically states that it is for developers to post job offers, for the development of their projects, and where other developers can find work opportunities.

So, unless you’re hiring other developers to work for your group in order to develop for your project, no.

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So do you have any ideas on a category that I could advertise my group (just to get more members, not to get developers) in?

Sorry if I sound like I’m complaining. Lol.

There isn’t a place, you don’t do that here.


Roblox DevForum isn’t for advertising your group, it is a forum for developers.
I do not know a category that allows advertising, however, you can always read the category description in order to get an idea of what a category is for.

This is the Devforum not the group recruiting plaza.

@guidable @Aensvey || Would there then be a place (not in DevForum) to advertise a group?