Work In Progress Dinosaur Simulator! [open testing]

I think you should replace the Cartoon font with the font for the Cancel and Confirm buttons. I’m excited for this game’s full release!

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thank you! and thanks for the video! I’ve been trying to model my dinosaurs as realistically as I can while still maintaining a cartoony style


thank u! The reason I don’t use the button font everywhere is because I personally think it looks nice on buttons, but then when I use it on big blocks of text it becomes a lot harder to read when there’s lots of words

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I’ve decided to finish the movement system before building the map because I think it’s important that I’ve established the way characters move before I build the landscape that they’ll be moving around in. This means adding turn radiuses so that characters can’t turn instantly, which will make combat more interesting instead of whoever can click the most, but is probably going to take a while

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The movement system is done! This involved over 800 lines of code and a whole lot of nonsense. Characters now move with a turn radius and cannot rotate instantly or while in place. Character collisions and jumping have been temporarily removed as they need to be reworked, and I plan to add turning animations eventually.


Awesome. It feels natural to move around and I think you’re right to constrain movement with the animal turning radius. I really like the dinosaur customisation with just so many options for colouring the different parts.
A couple of notes:

  1. Ensure you are coding for touch/mobile devices as you work. Do not leave this as an after thought. Probably 90% of my players are on mobile devices so will not have access to keyboard commands. Think how you will allow them to access these commands.
  2. E to Interact prompts. Are you using ProximityPrompts for this? It might be easier as the prompt appears in a logical place in the game world for the user to see. Currently with the prompt appearing at the top of the screen, it’s not entirely clear. If you don’t want to change, then consider using a Surface Gui to place the UI on the item you are interacting with.
  3. UI Layout. This is a work in progress, but try to keep things aligned. Look at UI’s in games you like and follow the same style and layouts. There are commonly perceived norms for button placements that are used for a reason. The DevForum community will certainly be able to help guide you in the right direction as to layout.

Overall, it’s shaping up really well and I was really pleased to be able to play in the world finally. I was a vegesaurus of course.

Your Donate buttons don’t work. If you need any assistance, I can certainly help. If not then look at this article:

Remember you can only have one MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt connection in your game. The script you create here will also eventually handle in-game purchases.

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Thank you!

I was working on basic game systems first, but I definitely have mobile users as a high priority, and am also keeping low-end devices in mind when making models. I can see in other cross-platform games that mobile users make up a big part of the playerbase and it’s definitely something important I’m keeping in mind

I had looked at ProximimtyPrompts, but decided not to use them because (from what I saw) their colors couldn’t be customized, and when I tried making my own using Surface GUI I couldn’t figure out how to add events for temporary surface GUI buttons (or at least how to add them in a safe way, as I was worried about memory leaks regarding button press events stacking up for surface GUI buttons that no longer exist). That was a while ago though and I can probably look at it again with what I’ve learned since then. Currently prompts appear when an invisible part on the player touches an invisible range part around food

I’ll definitely look into the faulty donation buttons, and appreciate any UI feedback! I notice most survival games have character stats in the bottom corners, but I have stats in the middle for mobile users

Thank you for the feedback!!!

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I’ve added mobile controls to the public test! Some of the symbols need to be cleaned up but the general vibes/setup and functionality are complete. Feedback on devices of different sizes is really appreciated!


Here’s progress on the map! I haven’t updated much lately because I want the next update to be a large map update. So far I’ve slightly-more-than doubled the decorated map area.


After replying a while ago, I come back and you’ve actually put the amazing models together to create a even more amazing game!! There is one thing that annoys me a bit though,
Screen Shot 2021-12-26 at 9.06.20 AM
I don’t know if it’s supposed to do that but I find it a bit annoying to turn and have my head stuck in a hill. It makes the game less realistic than it could be.


You’re a modeler & scripter. To me that’s pretty impressive. I like the game, it’s a true simulator experience! I feel like the map should be bigger. I recommend you add prizes for players like dinosaurs can evolve by fighting NPC/player controlled dinosaurs for the carnivores and completing tasks like breaking trees for the herbivores. That will give reasons for players to come back to your game and I truly think it has the potential to grow more popular!

I have a question, how many hours did you put into making this game? As a solo developer I know that this must’ve taken a long time. Anyways, great work!


Thank you! There will definitely be a lot more and right now is just the bare basics. The main thing for players to earn will be customization options for their character like spikes and new colors. I do also plan on quests eventually.

I’m not sure how many hours I’ve put into it now, but it’s definitely been a lot! The game’s been in progress for several months now

Thank you for the feedback!


Wow. You must be so happy to see so many people playing. I hopped on tonight to check out the update and there are loads of people on. Great job on the scenery update

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I’ve added the system for unlockable color palettes!

The currency in game is called Fireflies. Right now players naturally generate Fireflies while they are alive in-game and can use them to buy new colors per species. Different species have different palettes of different prices, and it’s cheaper to buy colors that are more similar to that species’ default colors (so different species have rarer or more common colors). Palette & money data will save when players log out.

I’ve also added temporary character saving so players don’t have to remake their character every time they die (when you enter the editor it will load the last design you made on that species), but this is only per session and is a placeholder until I add actual character saving with character save slots.

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Looks amazing and I like the idea of having the ability to get abilities but too make it more unique I think hats and armor should be introduced that can give buffs and different rarities for the hats ( is the game open works I may have missed that ) but if so you should add boss drops and another cool idea too add is deepwokens talent system where everytime you level up you can choose a ability/talent out of 4 random talents and you can get different ones every time and the more you level up the better the talents get which talents also have rarity but too give some uniqueness you could have the talents the player chooses have appearances changes to the dino

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It kinda reminds me of spore, its nice

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Personally, I think having hats and armor on a dinosaur is just weird :sweat_smile:. However I can support the leveling ability idea you gave, that would really encourage people to level up and would keep the engaged!

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I’ve completed the Utahraptor remodel! I found it necessary to remake because the original Utahraptor was the first thing I ever made and animated for Roblox so it had a lot of mistakes. In addition to looking nicer, the new model has a much cleaner rig that makes it a lot easier to work with.


I made meat more dynamic! The size of a dropped meat will now correlate to its value, meaning larger creatures will drop larger meat. This is entirely scripted and will work for future creatures of varying sizes. Meat will also face the same direction as the player who died and uses a better spawning system so that it doesn’t fall through the world.

I’ve also enabled bubble chat so users can identify each other. As the map gets larger, adding group functionality is a high priority so friends can find each other.