Project: Classrooms | Devlog [Feedback Needed!]

Made a concept for the MiniMap that will be displayed on the right hand corner above the Health bar. It’s not the best but scripting this thing will be the toughest lines of code I’ve ever written.

When you are in an Elevator, the Minimap (the health bar will still be visible) will be hidden.

NOTE: The Dot is where the player is. When the player starts a new game, the player will spawn in The Reception, the only pre-opened area in the game other than Building A.

“I may possibly remake this soon its only a prototype. In the actual game, there will be icons next to the textlabels.”


Goodjob man, goodluck on your project. Even if it doesn’t turn out as you want, you will still learn a lot from a project like this!


Also I forgot to mention in the first reply, but you can also give me ideas for the game for tools, monsters, bosses/mini-bosses, the main monster, etc. because this is also a topic where you can make feature requests and ideas for CLASSROOMS.

In the meantime, here is the game map to get an idea where everything will be when the game comes out next year.

This same map but with inverted colors will be displayed in the MiniMap.

“This game has went through over 300 development versions and isn’t even finished yet. I will work on everything else.”


Good Luck for your Game ! :wink:


This here is starting to look like an actual classroom now!

(“and I will make it more detailed and add the other stuff”)


Thanks. I’m trying my best to make this as good of a “game” as possible. This is my first game I’m working on seriously and, just look at my other games I’ve made. They’re just nothing but worse than bad.

I made this post here just to show you on how I improved my development skills, from almost nothing but unplayable and random games, to full-on, successful, masterpiece games.

Before (2022)

  • Free Model Galore
  • Nothing but Copied Scripts
  • Most of these games are Unplayable
  1. “OBBY”

  2. “free admin game ;)”

  3. “run away from figure vw simulator” (Unplayable Game)

  4. “Super Oof Combat” (Revival soon)

  5. “plenton research nuclear matter core facility”

After (2023)

  1. CLASSROOMS (my best game yet)
  • Very Little to No Free Models
  • Scripts 90-100% Made by Me

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Could this be a good icon for the finished version of the game?




I am now working on the game UI. I tried my best to optimize the UI for phones, tablets and consoles because thats what most people will be playing the game on. The UI is not finished yet, but this is what I got for now:

What it looks like on a phone

What it looks like on an iPad

What it looks like on a PC

What it looks like on Xbox

What do you think? Should I add or remove anything? Should I change the color scheme of the UI? Put your feedback here!

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As I’m new to development and not a graphic design expert I may be wrong, but since a game icon is the first thing a player sees, maybe it would be better if it explained more about what the game is about. Imo a fuzzy background with the name of the game wouldn’t explain much to someone scrolling through the website looking for something new to play, and they may just skip over your game.
Again, correct me if I’m wrong.

Anyway, from someone creating their first (actual) game, this looks great! Nice work!

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Thanks for the feedback. This is only for the icon tho. However, the thumbnails will explain more about the game with screenshots inside the rooms and stuff. But after I release the full game next year, the icon may be changed to a screenshot of one of the rooms.

(“of course it needs to be finished first :]”)

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UI is going along well!

Planned UI Layout:

I really want to test your game out! Only problem is I dont have permission now and want to give a good review. Thanks!

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With the right execution, any Roblox game has the potential to be successful. I’m excited to see where you take this project and wish you the best of luck.

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Thanks. We have planned an open beta for the game in December 2023 and a full game release in April 2024. During the open beta, progress will not be savable and some features will be unavailable.

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(There will be an option to hide the UI during gameplay (which will be turned on by default) in case if a user finds the UI distracting. If “Hide User Interface” is enabled in game settings, if a currency is earned, the Currency UI will show for 5-10 seconds, then fade away. The Health Bar will appear when the player has 99 or less health, and the Energy bar will appear when the player has 99 or less energy)

Note: Values are out of 100 points.

Now this is a very well built game, but if you want it to succeed you will need to set it apart. Doors exists. Thousands of clones of doors exists. The big question you should be asking yourself is “what is my game doing to set it apart from the others?” I am experiencing a similar problem with my sci-fi fps because hundreds of others exist. What your game could have is a unique feature (which is hard in a day and age where so many ideas have already been taken) or potentially a new premise that other games have maybe touched on but not really explored to the best intent. What ever you do I am excited to see this game progress.


This is very true, uniqueness is key and making sure your set apart and offer a unique experience.

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I made something for The Basement, a warning sign for unauthorized people who enter The Boiler Room in The Basement. Players will be free to enter The Boiler Room, though.

I decided to make this sort of “comedic,” such as adding effects to make some joke words not visible, and some handwriting from some students who accidentally found a box and unleashed a haunted spirit called “The Mastermind,” whose motto was “well, it’s that time again…,” according to the game’s lore. (yes, Classrooms does have a lore)

(The image dimensions are cursed, “666x500” :sweat_smile: Actual dimensions are 960x720)

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This game is inspired by LSPLASH’s popular game, DOORS and does not reuse any assets or aspects from the game. This was my own idea, and I want to make sure to try and make this as of a successful of a game as possible (probably not so successful that it will go onto Discover - Roblox), my goal is 3-5K active players.


More and More Progress is Being Made! :slight_smile: