Working on a "Reactor CORE" type game [Devlog]

This actually looks really cool, how do you do this its insane how people can light and model so well.

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well for areas like this I don’t make the lights too bright and make their color go a bit bluish

Thats wild man, hope your game goes really well for you.

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Oh it will, this game will be THE GAME and im way too excited for this release (lol its just nacer hyping everyone up every couple of weeks)

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Work in progress


Where is this supposed to be? Can’t imagine what this could be.

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you’ll see when I finish building it

That would be the place where they’re hiding nuclear bombs to launch, right?

Or some kind of room with something secret I think, I just feel like that’s what it is

Anyway you’re so great bro

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no there isn’t any nuclear bomb but it has something to do with the reactor

Oh, something to do with the reactor

Cooling room!

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well it is one of the purposes of that area

Couldn’t believe I can guess it, other than a nuclear bomb and a rocket launch site all o could think of was a cooling room for that, but I will not spoil anything more, good luck!

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I heavily recommend adding landing gear to the plane in the hanger. The private jet looks goofy without since in real life, people wouldn’t store a jet without landing gear.


I haven’t checked in in a while. Looking really good, keep up the good work!!! Looking forward to playing it when it comes out. For any performance issues, I’d recommend utilizing streaming enabled, as it seems to be getting some major improvements lately and it would probably be your best bet.

But it’s futuristic, so hover plane : D


i mean the plane still looks goofy. Plus, with all the machinery to make a hover private jet, there would be no space for any passengers XD.

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Checking in on this post again, that looks really pretty !! Although the wall could use a bit of a darker color, it looks a bit silly with its current color

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It looks good, but it can look even better. Are you aiming for photorealistic graphics or cartoonish graphics ? It looks like you tried to reproduce a “dusty desert” feel (it kinda reminds me that western cartoon (Rango)).

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Thats old I’ll remake this area in the future because I built it long ago

Make it reflective too. That’s what I mean (It’s from my game).

It looks good btw.

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