As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to take a screenshot and letting the server access it.
I am proposing a new method which takes a screenshot from a certain CFrame and returns the screenshot. This could allow for better versions of security cameras and could help a game owner better monitor their games. To prevent overflowing, the function would not run more than once in a 5 second period.
If this should be available online, this should be in Client Features. Only if it’s only available in studio (plugin-related, studio UI related, …) should it be in the studio category.
What exactly would the method return? A pixel 2D array? A hash we can use for ImageId? (similar to the Register methods in KeyframeSequenceProvider)
Also, I’m not sure whether the server even has render support, as they currently don’t (and really have no reason to) render.
I think it would be better to have this function be called on a camera object instead of Workspace.
Additionally, there’s also the problem of the yield format, as mentioned by @einsteinK.
My input on this:
The server does not do rendering (I am pretty sure?) unless its like test servers that roblox studio runs, then probably.
Where would the screenshots go? How would that be handled. The way I see it is this: If it uploads to roblox, then either moderators would have to check it, or if it goes without verification, what if people upload inappropriate things?
Personally I would say that we should be able to attach it as a file in a POST request to our own server or something.