01: Trainer Expectations & Responsibility
A trainer is entrusted with leading many members and is given the responsibility of properly representing World Federation to all the members under his/her control, and is tasked with helping them improve in combat, with following orders and climbing the ranks. A trainer must keep their trainees under control, must be firm yet fair and may never abuse their authority.
02: Trainer Admin
The Trainer Admin interface is used to manage maps, weapon loadout, deaths per rounds and teams. It is used in conjunction with admin commands.
At the top of the screen, click T Admin.
To set the amount of deaths before being automatically taken out of the match, click Outscore, type a number in the field and click the check mark icon.
To load a map, click Maps and select a map from the list.
Assign teams by by clicking Teams. You can click Scramble to randomize all the players in the server on Red and Blue team.
You may also change the team of a specific player by clicking their name then clicking a team.
After loading the map, assigning teams and respawning players, give all the players weapons by clicking Guns > Players > All and choosing their loadout. You may also click a specific user from the list to give them weapons. [NOTE:] Assigning weapons by teams does not currently work.
03: Rank Credit Management
After training is over you award rank credits based on each attendee's individual performance. Skill and respect demonstrated and the duration of their presence during training are taken into account of the awarded credits. If someone has shown improvement in combat, they may receive a few additional rank credits. If someone must leave early, they will receive less rank credits than they would have if they stayed the whole training. Refer to the Members' Guide 03e: Ranks Promotion Requirements for additonal information on rank credits.
At the top of the screen, click Credit Menu.
In the Change field, type the sum of the player’s current amount of credits and the amount be awarded and press enter. This will update and save the player’s rank credit total.
04: The Process
The following are the order of steps to be taken for each match.
1: Choose Map
Load the map for this match using T Admin.
2: Assign Teams
Assign teams using the Scramble button in T Admin or by randomly choosing team captains who each take turns picking available players for their team. After each of their choices you must change the players' teams by using admin commands.
:team player teamname
3: Reset Leaderboard Stats
Ensure everyone's Kills and Deaths are set to 0.
:resetstats all
4: Activate Outscore
Set the Outscore to the max number of deaths allowed for the match.
5: Respawn Players
Respawn all participating players so they spawn on the loaded map. Advise players that they must remain in their spawn area until you announce that the match has started.
:respawn blue-team,red-team
or:respawn others
6: Give Weapons
Choose weapon loadouts for both teams using the T Admin.
7: Begin Match
Announce that the match has begun using admin commands.
:m Begin
or:h Begin
8: Round Over
Once there is only one team with players on it, announce the winners/round end, remove weapons from all players, ensure everyone else is on the World Federation team and respawn the winning team/players still on the map.
:removetools all
:team others wo
:respawn teamname-team
9: Prepare Next Match
Deactivate the Outscore and reset all player's leaderstats
:resetstats all