World Federation Members' Guide

Table of Contents

01: Introduction
02: Basic Rules
03: Ranks & Promotions
      03a: Low Ranks [LR]
      03b: Middle Ranks [MR]
      03c: High Ranks [HR]
      03d: Non-Ranks & Roles [NR]
      03e: Rank Promotion Requirements
04: Uniform Protocol
      04a: Limited Uniforms
      04b: Retired Uniforms
05: Divisions
      05a: Official Divisions
      05b: Unofficial Divisions
06: Active Places
      06a: Training Facilities
      06b: Bases
07: Eras & Timeline

01: Introduction

    World Federation was originally founded in 1945 after WWII as the Peace Federation, an alliance whose mission was to obtain world peace. The project was renamed to World Federation in 2065, and by 2074 190 of the 196 countries of the world were part of the alliance. A major manufacturing era of advanced weapon, vehicle and space technology followed, and to this day, in the year 2100, World Federation stays vigilant, armed to the teeth and ready to eradicate those who threaten peace.

02: Basic Rules

    Every member who fails to abide by World Federation's rules are subject to forms of punishment such as rank credit penalty, suspension, demotion and exile by the high ranking officers. Rules in WF are not limited to the following basic list.

      01: Obey and respect the orders of commanding superiors

      02: Respect fellow members, allies and enemies

      03: Never flame or troll at any WF event or while in uniform

      04: Consistently use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation

      05: Do not ask for rank credits, promotions or recommendations

      06: Follow proper uniform protocol when attending any WF event

      07: Leave negotiating relationships with other clans to official WF ambassadors

      08: No exploiting, glitching or any form of cheating at all WF places and events

      09: Never leave a raid, defense or training without approval from an officer

      10: Never raid in World Federation's name or uniform unless it is official

      11: Do not raid or defend against World Federation or allies

03: Ranks & Promotions

    The ranks in WF indicate your progress in World Federation and or authority. Ranks in World Federation are earned through activity, respect and skill. They are structured after the US Army’s ranks and are broken up into four categories and two subcategories; Low Rank [LR], Mid Rank [MR], High Rank [HR] and Non-Rank [NR]. Non-officer rank and officer rank, which begins at First Sergeant.

    03a: Low Ranks [LR]

      Low ranks are where all members start. They have no authority and have no responsibilities or expectations other than to be active and abide by the rules.

      1. Recruit

      An accepted member and the first step toward greatness.

        • None

      2. Private

      A member that has shown activity in the group.

        • None

      3. Private E-2

      A member that has shown increased activity in the group.

        • None

      4. Private First Class

      Reaching this rank is the first milestone in trust.

        • None

      5. Specialist

      An experienced and combat-hardened soldier.

        • None

03b: Middle Ranks [MR]

    Middle ranked members are given opportunities to show leadership qualities to potentially become officers. If this is not desired, the middle ranks are as far along in rank progression a member can go. MRs are held to a higher expectation of maturity.

      6. Lance Corporal

      The first rank that formally has an opportunity to demonstrate leadership.

        • May be chosen to assist trainings

      7. Corporal

      The second rank that formally has an opportunity to demonstrate leadership.

        • May be chosen to assist trainings

      8. Sergeant

      Without a doubt an experienced WF soldier, but has also performed well enough to get the attention and favor of a high ranking officer.

        • May give orders to lower ranks in-game as long as it doesn't contradict or interfere with orders from a higher rank.
        • May be chosen to assist trainings
        • May lead a non-war raid/defense with granted permission from a General

      9. First Sergeant

      A First Sergeant is an HR officer in training.

        • May give orders to lower ranks in-game as long as it doesn't contradict or interfere with orders from a higher rank.
        • May be chosen to assist trainings
        • May lead a non-war raid/defense with granted permission from a Captain+
        • May host trainings/practice raids
        • May give announcements
        • May award rank credits
        • May give suspension recommendations

    03c: High Ranks [HR]

      10. Lieutenant

      A Lieutenant has spent much time as a First Sergeant and has invoked confidence in his abilities and trustworthiness.

        • May give orders to lower ranks in-game as long as it doesn't contradict or interfere with orders from a higher rank.
        • May be chosen to assist trainings
        • May lead a raid against official enemy groups*
        • May host trainings/practice raids
        • May give announcements
        • May award rank credits
        • May promote members up to Sergeant
        • May give recommendations
        • May suspend LRs and MRs

      11. Captain

      An officer with great skill in leadership and combat.

        • May give orders to lower ranks in-game as long as it doesn't contradict or interfere with orders from a higher rank.
        • May be chosen to assist trainings
        • May lead a raid against official enemy groups*
        • May independently organize raids against inconsequential clans
        • May host trainings/practice raids
        • May give announcements
        • May award rank credits
        • May promote members up to First Sergeant
        • May give recommendations
        • May suspend LRs and MRs

      12. Major

      A Major has proven to be able to properly represent WF and have good judgement.

        • May give orders to lower ranks in-game as long as it doesn't contradict or interfere with orders from a higher rank.
        • May be chosen to assist trainings
        • May independently lead a raid against official enemy groups
        • May officially represent WF and manage relationships with other groups
        • May host trainings/practice raids
        • May give announcements
        • May award rank credits
        • May promote members up to First Sergeant
        • May give recommendations
        • May suspend LRs and MRs

      13. Colonel

      A Colonel knows WF inside and out and is trusted to manage newer high ranking officers.

        • May give orders to lower ranks in-game as long as it doesn't contradict or interfere with orders from a higher rank.
        • May be chosen to assist trainings
        • May independently lead a raid against other groups
        • May officially represent WF and manage relationships with other groups
        • May host trainings/practice raids
        • May give announcements
        • May award rank credits
        • May promote members up to First Sergeant
        • May give recommendations
        • May suspend members below Major

      14. General

      Unwavering loyalty and has worked toward World Federation's success for years.

        • May give orders to lower ranks in-game as long as it doesn't contradict or interfere with orders from a higher rank.
        • May be chosen to assist trainings
        • May independently lead a raid against other groups
        • May officially represent WF and manage relationships with other groups
        • May host trainings/practice raids
        • May give announcements
        • May award rank credits
        • May promote members up to Captain
        • May give recommendations
        • May suspend members below Colonel
        • May exile LRs & MRs

    03d: Non-Ranks & Roles

      a. Suspended

      A member who has made one or more rule violations to the extent of temporary dismissal.

      • No more authority than a non-member and cannot enter WF places.

      b. Allied Ambassador

      An official representative from a group allied to World Federation.

      • May request support for a raid/defense from Captain+

      c. Retired Veteran

      An honorable HR who can no longer actively serve World Federation.

      • May command non-officers

      d. Developer

      A scripter/builder dedicated to assigned development tasks.

      • No authority

    03e: Rank Promotion Requirements

      All the ranks up to Corporal are obtained by acquiring a respective amount of rank credits. Rank credits are given out to members who attended events as an indication of where they are in their rank advancement progress. The amount given is up to the training and may range from 5 to 15 credits depending on an individual’s performance. Certain ranks require formal recommendations from HRs in addition to the required amount of credits.

      Ranking up as an HR depends on the need for, and trust one has gained. They are ultimately appointed by the General of the Army while often being recommended by other HRs.

        Recruit: Enlist in World Federation
          Private: Be recognized for attendance
            Private E-2: 30 rank credits
              Private First Class: 60 rank credits
                Specialist: 140 rank credits
                  Lance Corporal: 220 rank credits
                    Corporal: 320 rank credits
                      Sergeant: 400 rank credits + 1 recommendation
                        First Sergeant: Receive 2 recommendations and pass officer training
                          Lieutenant: Appointed by a General
                            Captain: Appointed by a General
                              Major: Appointed by the General of the Army
                                Colonel: Appointed by the General of the Army
                                  General: Appointed by the General of the Army

                            04: Uniform Protocol

                              Members are required to wear a WF uniform‏‏‎ to every official WF event unless instructed otherwise. Uniform shirt and pants cannot be mixed; the shirt must have the correct matching pants. Packages cannot be worn with the uniform, you must be default Robloxian 1.0. If a member is not able to afford a uniform, then they may apply for a paid one while being at least the rank of Private First Class by notifying a High Rank. Otherwise what they are wearing must be approved by your commanding officer.

                            Current Uniform:

                            WF WF

                              04a: Limited Uniforms

                                Limited edition variants of the WF uniform are allowed to be worn just as the standard uniform unless restrictions are specified in their description. Under certain circumstances, an officer may command that you only wear the standard uniform. If you do not yet own the standard armor, you are not allowed to purchase a limited uniform.

                              04b: Retired Uniforms

                                Past WF uniforms may only be worn as a temporary solution to not owning the current one. However, if you are in possession of the Mk. IV v1 armor, you are allowed to wear it out of preference due to its similarity. This exception also applies to limited Mk. IV v1 uniforms.

                            05: Divisions

                              There are two different kinds of divisions of World Federation: official and unofficial. Official divisions are those that are legitimate groups and are joinable. Unofficial divisions are those that are not joinable groups used for reference and lore. A division must be approved by the General of the Army for it to be considered either of these statuses.

                              05a: Official Divisions

                                05a1: World Federation Council

                                  What used to be a group of MR and HR members that gathered to discuss important matters in WF. This division has been retired due to there being more effective means of communication. It is now only used for representation.

                                05a2: World Federation Marine Corps

                                  The super-soldiers of WF. Where the elites are, and those who are striving to be. This division is inactive and will return in the future.

                              05b: Unofficial Divisions

                                05b1: World Federation Industries

                                  The manufacturing and production division of WF used to refer to the developers of WF and is referenced in numerous bases.

                                05b2: World Federation Ambassador Program

                                  A group of select individuals who are the first choice in representing WF to other groups.

                            06: Active Places

                              World Federation places fall under either bases or training facilities. Active and inactive places are categorized by whether they are ready to be used.

                              06a: Training Facilities

                                World Federation Holo:

                                The Holo is the main training facility where members are trained in various gun and sword combat from a large selection of environments. It is also the rally point for events that take place outside of World Federation places. Members report here to receive rank credits.

                            06b: Bases



                            Nachahmer is World Federation’s main and default base. A gun loadout is used here and raids must be scheduled and approved by a Captain+.

                            Winter Nachahmer:

                            A snowy reskin of Nachahmer and slightly altered map in terms of strategy. Low visibility due to blizzard conditions make for interesting ranged weapon combat. Raids at this base must be specially requested and be approved by a Captain+.

                            07: Eras & Timeline

                              In World Federation eras represent periods in WF's timeline. They are determined by major changes in assets and protocol. This list is merely to be used as a reference for those who are interested in World Federation history.

                                  First Era: March 2014 - May 2014
                                    Second Era: May 2014 - October 2014
                                      Post Second Era: August 2014 - October 2014
                                      Third Era: October 2014 - November 2015
                                        Post Third Era: April 2015 - November 2015
                                          Fourth Era: November 2015 - March 2017
                                            Post Fourth Era: April 2016 - March 2017
                                            Fifth Era: March 2017 - March 2018
                                              Sixth Era: June 2019 - Present