WorldModel Is Now Available

I hope ViewportFrames get their own Lighting, so we can customize them even further.


You can use viewport frames in surface Gui’s I did this a while ago I will let you know if I find the creation. :smiley:

Am I the only one having trouble adding this into there game? I updated studio and it’s still not there. :confused:

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You can’t visually find it in the insert menu. However, as @DRCGaming said, you can create it using


Hi there. I am just asking if there are any new updates to building, I really didn’t understand this.

This looks like it’s more UI and scripting stuff.

edit: How do WorldModels work? - #6 by fireboltofdeath

Does this mean we can show terrain in veiwportframes now?

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You can use SurfaceGui by setting its Adornee to your desired part

Are constraints not supported in WorldModel yet?
Trying to have a part with a RopeConstraint attached to a Humanoid Dummy in the ViewportFrame and it just freezes as if no physics are applied - Welds appear to work but not Constraints?

If I drag the Humanoid Dummy and part to the Workspace from WorldModel, studio crashes with “Roblox needs to quit - we’re sorry” without fail, almost as if studio can’t calculate its physics or something after dragging it from WorldModel.

EDIT: I’d like a reply? Can someone confirm that it is not supported?


Cool thing, maybe sometime later I will come in handy

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I am not sure if I am doing this incorrectly, I was trying to make something similar to @kenami since I loved it so much.

My problem is the animation is ‘playing’ but it is not moving while the viewport is open:

I’m struggling with this. For an R6 rig, Accessories don’t seem to attach, but if I parent the model to workspace briefly (without even using a wait()), and back into the WorldModel, it works fine.

It’s fine for R15. Not really sure if I’m doing something wrong or it’s a bug.

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The first thing I’m going to try with this is making a TV that your character can jump into and walk around in, this sounds really, really cool. Thanks for the surprise update, engineers!

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Found a bug where humanoid’s display name is visible in workspace when parented to world model.


it will be insertable through Studio next week

It’s not supported, but it shouldn’t crash. Do you have a place file I can use to repro the issue?

thanks, i’ll take a look into this


Does this mean now I can use Pathfinding in ViewportFrame? I’m trying to make a GPS before, but turned out to be really expensive. If it does, then it will take less time to make something like that.

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What would be really nice would be a way to insert terrain into world models :fox_face:

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You can create it with then in play test just copy it and stop testing. then paste it in edit mode