Would adding wine to my restaurant be in breach of the Roblox TOS?

I would normally say that any non-alcoholic substance would be fine to put in a fancy bottle, but I have a motto: Trollers always find a way.


Yes, as wine contains alcohol.


I feel like you replied without reading the full thread and understanding what’s going on. My issue isn’t exactly with the alcohol, but the wine and the reputation it has for an alcoholic drink. My issue is more “Can I put wine in my game if I make sure players know that it is non-alcoholic?”

Even if it was non-alcoholic, I would still consider it a huge no-no. A player could drink it then reset their character to make it look like they were knocked unconscious by the wine. Even if you disabled resetting, trollers could still make it inappropriate for Roblox.

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In situations like that, staff who are online can ban offenders.

The simple answer is yes, how ever as discussed here we can see a bit more details on why it’s not allowed. I’d just like to point a good rule to go by is if it’s not legal for everyone to do aka drinking wine you should probably not add it to your game. Keep in mind the majority of Roblox users are young impressionable children.

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I would honestly avoid adding wine.

would actually work really well.

@PlaceRebuilder 's game Reason 2 Die Awakening added “pills” to his game to add health to the player and I believe it got shut down until he changed the name of the pills to “vitamins.”

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You’re asking for help on if wine is against the ToS or not, which it is (it shouldn’t even be asked here because moderation staff aren’t on the forum to authoritatively answer your question) and you’ve been given clear alternatives that you can use.

You don’t need wine in your game and you can’t have it there either. Disclaimers like “this beverage is non-alcoholic” don’t work either. Find an alternative that doesn’t breach the Terms of Service. There are limitless possibilities. Context matters in moderation: grape juice in a curved glass isn’t inappropriate. If you fear moderation action, then change the glass model or do something else?


It was never shutdown or even got a warning. It was just stricter rules incase you wanted to get published on xbox so that’s why it got changed.


There’s a difference between uploading a (no-no) game called “hug place” and renaming wine to “grape juice.”

Regardless, developers in the past have had GFXs denied because of a bottle of wine in the background. Calling it grape juice will probably be fine, after all, online interactions are not rated.

You can add the bottle, but as long the players doesn’t drink it, and as long it doesn’t state “wine” or “alcohol” on the bottle or any places in your game, I believe your fine.

There are many games that have these bars, but you don’t drink or see that it is alcohol.

You can add wine, but rename it to something like “Cola” or “Win” or something like that so it gets the message across to what it is, but not downright saying it’s wine.

Woah. Do not refer to any games that break the rules of ToS with a word like that. You should of said “dating game” not (you know) game.

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I don’t think you should. Wine is alcohol, I don’t think there’s any loopholes around that.

It may be blown out of proportion, but the same principal applies. You are taking something against TOS and renaming it so that you can avoid TOS breach.

So if I wanted the game with wine in it to go on Xbox I’d have to change or remove the wine? (Hypothetical, of course)

Wine is not allowed, I clarified in another post that you could rename it as a non-alcoholic grape juice and absolutely make clarify that it’s not an alcoholic beverage,you should be fine. I wouldn’t be so keen on adding a wine as it’s not such a big deal.

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Discussed this before and we concluded wine is not allowed regardless of context, that being said, if you wanted to add grape juice that is fermented then no one is stopping you.

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Honestly, I’m not sure. When in doubt, find alternatives. An image of a syringe I uploaded had to be taken down because it implies drugs. (It was for doctors in a game.) If an image can be taken down, I suspect wine in a game could as well, though it may be seen as less severe. The fact that it would be in a game, however, may counter this.