Would this weapon gimmick work?

I have a weapon in my in-development game called Furinsajor. Its old design/purpose was to be a dagger that buffs enemies on hit. Why would someone use it if it does that? My idea was that you had to convince your enemy to let them be hit by you, and you try to take advantage of the fact they took damage while your enemy has to take advantage of the fact they’re empowered.

Would this weapon gimmick/playstyle even work in general?

“Hey, can I hit you with Furinsajor?”
“Sure you can do it; I want some more power and I’m fine trading a little bit of health for it.”

Sounds interesting. It’d be more of a strategy type attack then.
Maybe make it a decent amount of damage so the amount of power they get is still going to get you a little better outcome with the odds in battle.

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if it’s a co-op game it’s basically a buff with a downside, if it’s a pvp game, terrible idea