Would you click this game icon? And what kind of game do you think it would be for?

I’m looking for some honest constructive criticism on my game icon. I wanna know if I can get them rad players I hear so much about to click it. I’m also curious as to what kind of game you would expect the icon to be for:

Now that you’ve seen the fruits of my labor, this game is going to be a sci-fi disaster game. Each round, something crazy is going to happen on the spaceship— like a huge explosion or an alien invasion. You know, something along those lines. Do you think this icon conveys that?

EDIT: The game is targeted to a more mature audience but is not necessarily horror. I’m trying to give the icon a darker tone. >:)


I think this looks great! I would only change a couple parts of it. My first impression upon seeing it is that it looks like some sort of space game, taking place on the moon.

If you really wanted to convey that it takes place on a space station, I would put a spaceship in orbit, and have an explosion or something similar occurring. The current explosion area in the moon (if that is what you were going for) looks too small, so I would change that up and make it bigger at the very least.

It looks great, and I can’t wait to see the finished product. Good luck!


It looks more like a horror game to me. Personally I wouldn’t click it, but after reading what it’s going to be about I would definitely play it.

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The composition of the game icon is great! However, unfortunately I don’t think the icon fits the theme of your game you’ve described.

Before reading your explanation of the game, I would have guessed it was a horror survival game that took place on the moon after your spaceship crash-landed. I think this perspective was largely influenced by the glitch visual effect, red smoke, dark background and the emphasis on the moon.

After reading your description of the game, which sounds more like a party game, I’m unsure if this dark theme matches the game’s tone.

Right now, the icon doesn’t clearly communicate what type of game “Aphelion” is and doesn’t convey the frantic nature of the disasters you’ve described. I think if the game takes place entirely on a spaceship, you should make this the focus of your game icon rather than the moon which is more open to interpretation. Featuring some of the disasters in the icon may also be a way of grabbing the player’s attention.


I would probably click it and I would guess that it is a space strategy/survival game. It looks good, but definitely has a specific target audience.

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This is extremely helpful, thanks so much! I’m definitely going to make it more frantic.

I will add to the OP that this is a more realistic survival game, and kind of horror-themed. I’m not trying to make a fun party game or anything, but I’m also not trying to make a full-blown horror game. It’s kind of in between if that makes sense. I certainly want it to feel dark and mature.

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No problem!

In that case, you’ve managed to get the tone right. Now it’s just a matter of making changes so that it better reflects the game. Best of luck! I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out :smile:

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