xAPI: A Powerful Executor Simulator

This version of xAPI is officially deprecated. Please go to the GitHub Repository or go to the new DevForum Post for more up-to-date information.

Have you ever wanted to use Executor Functions like getnilinstances within the Roblox environment? Now you can. With it’s Powerful functions and Lightweight system, xAPI can boost a script’s potential up to 500%


  • Enhanced Instance Management
  • Workspace Manipulation
  • File System Implementation

Repository | Model | Documentation


You can merge this PR for better repo viewing but I have no idea if this is actually useful other than the fact that you can trick players into thinking you’re exploiting


u use task in spawn but not for wait?


Creating UI and adding more functions soon, very nice release.


Sorry for the bump but the github link doesn’t work

i think its got deleted idk why but its offsale on roblox too

using task.wait() over wait() is just micro-optimization, maybe he wants to throttle the while loop?
like maybe that loop doesn’t run well when using task.wait() or Heartbeat:Wait() so he resorted to just old wait() function instead?

anyway, him using task library shows he is aware of it but didn’t felt like using task.wait() there

I’m working on a revamp with aliases, more functions, UI and non-spaghetti code. Expect major changes within a week!

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his better doing .Heartbeat over while loop like roblox said on the creator documentation page if it affect to the performance and practice.

Hello, its dont work

Can you tell my what you are using which is doing this?
Also, for future usage, please go to xAPI4’s post, as this post is for xAPI2 and has already been deprecated for 8 months.