xAPI - A Powerful Exploit Simulator


xAPI is a fast, flexible and powerful exploit simulator for Roblox written in pure Luau.

It follows the Unified Naming Convention and includes…

  • Raw metatable access,
  • Function hooking,
  • An integrated filesystem,
  • Instance wrapping and more!

You can use xAPI to test out your anticheat, Learn more about exploiting or discover security weaknesses in your games.
You can also expand xAPI and change it to your liking easily with it’s simplistic and super-flexible structure.


  1. Go to releases on Github and download the latest version or get the Roblox module

  2. Insert the module in your game, preferrably inside ReplicatedStorage

  3. Write at the top of your script:

  4. The globals will automatically load in, and you’re done!


Github Repository

Roblox Module
Latest Github Release


You don’t need to make a new devforum post for update, You can make a reply to the old one, but I feel like it makes sense so you can hide the argument with Ultimate Trolling Gui

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