Not a bad attempt but it doesn’t successfully do the intended purpose which was, “Anti Exploit.” I appreciate you showing the clan Xnair’s swords though. Keep it up.
This system uses a different system rather than just the serverside Touch Event of Roblox. In clan-like games, there are no qualified exploiters exist much. Most of them use readymade exploits which is why we call them “skid”. It makes it more tricky to exploit with just standard scripts and calling them anti-exploid makes them believe exploiting those swords will be difficult for them.
Even with bypassing these swords existing in public, they still have to switch their scripts on different games.
In real life, soldiers use bullet-proof helmets but everyone knows It won’t work much on direct shoot from a gun. But it protects sightly enough that is better than nothing.
I do not think you are pointing out something in your post, I think you are just jealous.
By the way, you can remove watermarks whenever you want.
The idea of this thread is quite good but the execution of it is not the greatest. I’m doing this for you so that you can try to secure this because it is possible to make this a lot more safe.
I tested the security of this encryption system that you got going on and i was actually struggling at first but then i got a break through. It took about 15 minutes to find and figure out the encryption function. All i had to do was to grab the encryption function being called in your localscript environment and run it through there, really simple.
Tried to do this at first but it didn’t work nor was it efficient
Debug Code:
local FTrun = {}
for i,v in getgc(false) do
if type(v) == "function" and islclosure(v) and getinfo(v).source:find("Enigma", 1) then
table.insert(FTrun, v)
for i,v in FTrun do
--//function output
--[[if getinfo(v).name ~= "nil" and getinfo(v).name ~= nil then
--//test call functions in order 3rd index in FTrun tbl shuffles numbers
local FTindex = 4
print(FTrun[FTindex]("Handle", 2424, 5125))
Working code:
local FTrun = {}
for i,v in getgc(false) do
if type(v) == "function" and islclosure(v) and getinfo(v).source:find("SwordClie", 1) then
table.insert(FTrun, v)
for i,v in FTrun do
for i2,v2 in getupvalues(v) do
if type(v2) == "function" then
FTrun.EncryptFunction = v2
--//if you want this to work in a real scenario you have to shuffle the second argument with a hit part(a character part)
--// encrypt function require as t{part,hit part/basepart,part(base)}
print(FTrun.EncryptFunction(game:GetService("StarterPack").SecureSword.Handle, workspace.Baseplate, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart))
Immediately passive-aggressive I see. Bold of you to think I was being Jealous in my post. I simply pointed out that it did not work towards its functioned purpose correctly.
“It will take hours to deobfuscate…”
Constant dump in two minutes:
Decoded result
Character information
Some kind of a key?
local _longString = "3011003022002203113033003303033044004403303300330330110030220022031130330033030330440044033033003303301100302200220311303300330303304400440330330033033011003022002203113033003303033044004403303300330330110030220022031130330033030330440044033033003303301100302200220311303300330303304400440330330033033011003022002203113033003303033044004403303300330330110030220022031130330033030330440044033033003303"
Anyway, here’s the original module (thanks to @daily3014TheGod):
Enigma.txt (4.0 KB)