Yard Work Simulator | change-log week 7


What’s changed recently?
We’ve introduced a better layout, completely recoded the game and optimised it for users, brand new user interface, new game passes and saved last till best… PETS!!!

[NOTICE]: We’re experiencing some major issues with our pets staying in their cages at the moment, due to this they were destroying our servers and causing mayhem. We’ve had to border off Poppy’s pet store for the time being while we catch the fluffy monsters.



STARTER PACK :woman_farmer:
:star2: Get ahead of the game! Get yourself the following goodies:

  • Perfect pitchfork (10 blocks, 10 GPH, 0.5s delay)
  • Professional bag (3,000 storage)
  • 15 minute, 2x speed BOOST

Changes in depth: :pushpin:
We’ve added pets who are your little helpers and provide not only a plushie friend to play with but farm to collect cash with you at the same time!

  • Daily Rewards (24h cooldown)
  • Group Rewards (4h cooldown)
  • Map redone from scratch
  • User interface completely re-made
    – Quest menu updated
    – Rebirths page redesigned
    – Purchasable’s page automated and redesigned
    – Dev-products page (toggle)
    – Settings menu redesigned and new options
  • Leaderboards fixed & remodelled
  • Lighting slightly modified
  • Buffed item ‘admin tool’
  • Certain item’s stats updated
  • 4th of July bundle’s name updated to Firework Bundle
  • Music commisioned from @BSlickMusic exclusively for us! More to come in the future? :stuck_out_tongue:
  • Special thank you to @Breezy_Design for the wonderful gamepass art.

‘Firework Bundle’
– Launch fireworks by pressing “Q”
– Exclusive tool
– Exclusive bag
– Super special pet in a future update :star_struck:

Brand new logo, commisioned from @ZiggiousZaggious


Pita Bread, Banana, Cat, Horse, Pink, Purple and Rainbow unicorn, Stone, Ice and Fire Golems.

Global leaderboards updated

:dizzy: Item Descriptions


Garden rake - “Wooden poker with the thick pointy end”.
Shovel - “Decent quality, good and reliable tool to get you started.”.
Yard Rake - “An even sharper and more pokey stick”.
Leaf Blower - “An unstoppable amount of air, useful for hair drying too!”.
Grass Killer - “A stylish can, who doesn’t want one?”.
Scythe - “Grim Reapers day off”.
Machete - “A sharp and long blade, perfect for the long grass”.
Weed Trimmer - “Slices the lawn away at unimaginable speeds”.
Push Lawn Mower - “If you’ve got to do manual labour, might as well have a helping hand”.
Lawn Mower - “REEEEEEEEEE…”.
Wizard Staff - “Unique and wonderful creation, luckily we were able to get hold of such power”.
Sickle - “So sharp it’s feared by all”.
Holy Blade - “A blessed blade so powerful a majestically mist surrounds it at all times”.
Zeus’s Staff - “God of lightning, zap the grass away with precision and raw strength”.
Fertilizer Bag - "Handy bag, it reads ‘side effects of extreme growth’ on the label.
FlameThrower - “An unstoppable flame ready to set ablaze to anything in its way”.
Honey stick - “Holding the power of the bees has never felt so superior”.


Intermediate Bag - “A small handy bag, great for starting out”
Advanced Bag - “Small but useful, easy to carry about.”
Super Bag - “A larger and more comfortable bag”.
Professional Bag - “A wide and vibrant bag”.
Extreme Bag - “Significantly larger bag, military-grade style”.
Trash Bag - “Old but gold, tons of room to fill”.
Small Canister - “Usually holds trash, however, a large roomy bag for you”.
Large Canister - “Stretched out canister with a bit area to fit stuff inside”.
Banana Bag - “Vibrant and colourful, although, don’t slip”.
Trash bin - “Make sure it’s clean, although, it makes a great disguise”.
Treasure Chest - “What treasures may this hold?”
Water Tank - “Huge space, usually for water, this time for storage”.
Pillow Case - “Multi-use: sleep, work and a… PILLOW FIGHT!!!”
JetPack - “Fly into the sky with sleek style and an expensive taste”.
Compost Bin - “Room for two, an unreal amount of space inside”.
Dumpster - "So much space that some say it’s unfillable, up for the challenge?
Infinite Bag - “Unlimited power!!!”
Beehive bag - “The queen’s nest, a million workers and a large protective fortress, what else can you need?”.
Penguin Pack - “So cute and harmless, your handyman, instantly sells giving you unlimited storage.”


Pita bread - Super cute and innocent.
Banana - Go bananas, don’t slip.
Cat - Kitty’s favourite.
Horse - One of a kind.
Purple unicorn - Straight from heaven
Pink unicorn - So pretty and precious
White unicorn - Its beauty is unheard of.
Golem - It’s fury is unstoppable.
Ice golem - So cold yet so hot.
Fire golem - Neverending infernal flame.

Social Media

Get in touch if you’ve got any cool screenshots/questions @HeadlessHorror or tweet #YardWorkSimulator :cowboy_hat_face:

Previous changelog:

Special code for those who took the time to read this!!! :woman_technologist: :rabbit:
[Case sensitive]: NEWLOG7


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