Z-Index is inverted/ignored when editing UI in the Studio viewport

Many users experiencing this issue right now (including myself)

Here too :point_down:


yes, need an fix asaaaappp!!!

Iā€™m also experiencing issues with the UI Editor.


Clicking on objects with High ZIndex values doesnā€™t select them. Instead, its selecting things layered underneath. In this video, the Button Iā€™m trying to select has a ZIndex of 3, but the frames being selected are layered underneath, with a ZIndex of 1.

Iā€™m using Global ZIndexBehaviour!

Please Fix this Roblox!


I want to update everyone that the Zindex has now become inverted, meaning if you access the smaller frame, youā€™ll need to increase the Zindex of the main frame to a number larger than the Zindex of the small frame. However, itā€™s still really buggy and doesnā€™t work sometimes. Again, I do hope they fix this issue tomorrow :smiling_face_with_tear:


It is a pain to edit UI with this bug, I am currently just changing the position of UI elements through the property panel because of this issue, everything in the background is getting selected instead of what I wantā€¦

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Iā€™m bumping this, please fix this. It is impossible to edit the UI at the moment.
Iā€™m hoping this will get fixed soon, making a UI takes way longer now, especially in a big game full of invisible frames.


Fix this stupid bug already, itā€™s been 5 days and itā€™s nearly impossible to edit UIā€™s at all.

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Hi all, thank you for escalating this issue. We are investigating this urgently and will update as soon as we can.


Hi all, this should be resolved now. Please restart Studio to apply an update and let me know if this behavior continues.


Itā€™s finally fixed, thank you very much.

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Thank you for finally responding! I can confirm this bug is fixed myself. Good evening to you and all your team!

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Tysm! Seems to fixed, and i can finally edit the UI of my game again! :heart:

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Quick addition, actually: if you set a ScreenGUIā€™s ZIndexBehavior to Sibling, a label that would draw over the screen would still not be selected but its parent frame would.

I can attach a repro file if necessary.

Is this expected behaviour?
Thank you a lot :slight_smile:

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make sure this doesnā€™t happen again pall

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Hi Meaxis, thanks for the follow-up. Could you file a new devforum bug with a repro file? This sibling behavior has likely existed in the UI Editor for a long time and is unrelated to the issue you reported in this thread.

Of course! Please find the new link here: Z-Index Behaviour is not respected when editing UI in the viewport

As a curiosity question that you are free to skip over, I wanna ask: if the bug is known, why is it not resolved yet? I ask this with no ill over Roblox staff by the way, Iā€™m just curious to the methodology as to fixing bugs internally

Thank you for your consideration & good evening to you and your colleagues!

Hi Meaxis, thank you for the bug report. To answer your question, we receive a high volume of bug reports, so we must prioritize them. As a result, there may be issues we are aware of that donā€™t receive the resources necessary to resolve right away.

I sympathize with your frustration regarding the UI Editor. Please continue to report issues as you encounter them. It is a great help to our team in understanding the state of the UI Editor.

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