Zombie Rush - 10 Year Update - Update 5.0.3


10 Year Update - Update 5.0.3

Last updated: January 18th, 2024


To celebrate over a decade of Zombie Rush, we’ve prepared our largest update to show our gratitude for all of the support that you have given us over the years. In addition to this update, we’re rewarding all who play an exclusive melee weapon until February 29th!


  • Added Zombie Bosses:
    • Zombie King
    • Super Phantom
    • Slime Zombie
  • Added secret boss weapons:
    • Zombie King’s Bone Staff
    • Super Phantom’s Cyber Sword
    • Slime Zombie’s Slime Launcher
  • Added equipment:
    • Grenade
    • Molotov
    • Pipe Bomb
    • Can-O-Beans
  • Added new melee weapon, Beacon Studio Greatsword
  • Added new map: Shootout
  • Added missions
  • Added bonus missions for ZPro members
  • Added new overhauled game UI
  • Added new server browser
  • Added new settings menu
    • Toggle shadows
    • Toggle particles
    • Toggle gun tracers
    • Toggle performance mode
    • Toggle kill/XP popup
    • Toggle show boombox
    • Toggle AFK mode
    • Game audio slider
    • Boombox audio slider
  • Added viewable weapon stats
  • Enabled Future Is Bright lighting
  • Added new visual effects to all primary weapons
  • Added new visual effects to secondary weapons
    • Beacon Studio Sword (Group exclusive sword)
    • Darkheart
    • Illumina
  • Added new UGC items to lobby merch shop:
  • Added new wave streak counter


  • Improved Speed Coil
    • Redesigned model
    • New visual effects
  • Improved Regen Coil
    • Redesigned model
    • New visual effects
  • Improved zombie count scaling based on map size
  • Improved the kill/XP popup
  • Improved the Nuke Launcher’s visual effects
  • Updated the Blinged Out Skin
    • Redesigned Blinged Out textures for Nuke Launcher
    • Adjusted Blinged Out visual effects for Nuke Launcher
    • Redesigned Blinged Out textures for Ban Hammer
    • Adjusted Blinged Out visual effects for Ban Hammer
  • Improved the Rainbow Rhythm Revolvers visual effects
  • Updated Bloxywood map
    • Improved overall performance
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments
  • Updated Flipside map
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments
  • Updated Safe House Lobby
    • Adjusted lighting
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments
  • Adjusted Gem Zombies & Gem Brutes model textures
  • Adjusted Phantom Zombies, Phantom Brutes & Phantom Skeletons lighting
  • Adjusted Wraith Zombies & Wraith Brutes lighting
  • Improved Reaper’s Void primary weapon
    • Adjusted visual effects
    • Adjusted weapon model
  • Leaderboards now track consecutive waves survived


  • Fixed Combustion Zombies dealing more damage to players using R15 avatars compared to R6 avatars.
  • Fixed a bug preventing mushroom clouds from being removed causing performance issues.
  • Fixed a bug causing zombies to stutter when finding players.
  • Fixed a bug causing issues with the merch shop when navigating with a controller.
  • Fixed an out of bounds location on Bloxywood.
  • Fixed an out of bounds location on Snow Lodge.
  • Fixed an out of bounds location on Catacombs.
  • Fixed a bug preventing “survive waves” mission from being tracked.
  • Fixed a bug causing the server browser to display inaccurate server information.
  • Fixed a bug causing the server browser to display duplicate servers.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the player from teleporting to the correct server via server browser.

Questions, comments or concerns? Let us know!

Join us in our community server found in the Zombie Rush Social Links!
We’d love to help you out!

Previous patch notes:

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