Zombie Rush - Classic Gear, Improvements & QoL - Update 5.2.1


Classic Gear & QoL - Update 5.2.1

Last updated: June 2nd, 2024



  • Added new Classic Equipment pass:
    • Flashbang - Temporarily stun zombies in their tracks.
    • Subspace Tripmine - Deploy a hidden tripmine that explodes when triggered.
    • Fuse Bomb - Ignite a bomb to explode zombies with a massive amount of damage.
  • Added new visual effects:
    • Added new level up visual effects.
    • Added new wave health refill visual effects.
    • Added new wave shield refill visual effects.
    • Added new shield visual effects.
    • Added new spawn shield visual effects.
    • Added new visual effects to zombies.
  • Added new highlight effect to friendly survivors.
  • Added new highlight effect to survivors for player zombies.


  • Buffed all equipment damage.
  • Improved Slime Launcher visual effects.
  • Updated Bloxywood map:
    • Adjusted map lighting
    • Adjusted map visual effects
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments
  • Updated Facility map:
    • Adjusted map layout
    • Adjusted map lighting
    • Adjusted map bounds
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments
  • Updated Space Station II map:
    • Adjusted map layout
    • Adjusted map lighting
    • Adjusted map bounds
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments
  • Updated Catacombs map:
    • Adjusted map lighting
    • Adjusted map visual effects
  • Low Quality mode now disables glass materials when enabled.


  • Fixed an out of bounds location on Facility.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent newly equipped equipment from being switched on the hotbar.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Obsidian Brutes to spawn in the ground.
  • Fixed an out of bounds location on Space Station II.

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