Cloud Edit Beta (Multi Build Studio) Available for Beta Users

Real-Time collaborative building is now available to Beta Users!

Beta user signup:

How To Access

  1. Go to a place page for a place you are allowed to edit (e.g.
  2. Click the “…” Menu in the top right
  3. Select “Cloud Edit”

Working Together
Cloud edit piggy backs off of existing group edit permissions to determine who can cloud edit and who cannot. This means that in order to Cloud Edit you need:

  1. A Group with a place
  2. Everyone you want to work with needs to be a Beta User
  3. Everyone you want to work with needs to have place edit permissions for the group
    We have some ideas for streamlining this in the future, and possibly separating cloud edit permissions from group editing permissions

How Editing Works
Cloud editing is a little different than normal editing

  1. Publishing happens automatically (currently every 5 minutes and again when the last person leaves)
  2. Script editing has “locking” behavior. This means that your script changes are private to you until you close the script editor. Also only one person can be actively modifying a script at a time.

Known Issues
This is a beta. There are a few important bugs that we know about, but we wanted to get this into your hands early to get your feedback.

  • Undo/Redo may misbehave if you are modifying parts that are in the place before you started editing
  • Undo may remove sections of terrain that you are editing. To address this, use “redo” (unfortunately this means that some terrain changes are effectively not undo-able)
  • You cannot cloud edit a place if it is not the root place of the universe (but you can cloud edit places that are not currently active)
  • If you join a game while in cloud edit, your cloud edit session may disconnect

This is still a work in progress, but we are excited to hear your feedback on bugs and feature requests.


We can use RBXDev group for testing this together.

If anyone wants access to edit group places, PM me or reply here, I can add your rank on the RBXDev group so you can edit group places.

You must be a member of this forum, and have access to the entire forum here for me to add you.
If you can’t read this topic: that means I can’t add you, Sorry!

(I’ve been getting PMs from people outside of RBXDev)


I was just going to post a thread questioning this, lol.

Looks really cool. I’m going to try it out later today.

Question though, is this option suppose to appear in non-group places?

RE: non-group places having “Cloud Edit” option:
This is intentional, though at the moment the only big difference to traditional edit is automatic publishing (so you don’t have to worry about transferring files if you use multiple machines, for example).


The first bug I would have to say, is definitely the fact I keep getting disconnected after about a minute or so, any ways we can troubleshoot that?

RE: troubleshooting disconnects:
If there is another person in the game, ask them to open the dev console and see if there are any tell-tale logs on the server.

No one else was in it, just me. If that helps.
Edit 1: Trying without plugins, it may be causing it.
Edit 2: Had all plugins disabled, still had the issue, the time seems to be random

I can’t insert models from my local disk. Neither the “Model” button on the ribbon nor the context menu “Insert into from file” can insert models. I’ve tried a variety of models, and both .rbxm and .rbxmx files.

I’m in the place Semaphorism linked right now if anyone wants to join me.

I am in as well, I don’t see you in studio session.
I saw a message “Alright, that’# good”.

So the player list is just not updating correctly.

RE: Insert from file
D’oh! there is this line in the code for loading models from file:


:sweat_smile: I’ll fix that for next release


@ghostleader Can you see our chat in live time? We don’t see you in the place, but it’d be weird if you could see the chat.

Yes, but the chat is put into the console only. Are you getting any disconnects?


What do you mean?

Also @LordRugdumph It says 3 players online:

But really we’re just editing it in studio. People in-studio shouldn’t count towards the number of players in-game or else you might mislead people into thinking there’s people in an empty game.

A screen shot of what I see, nothing is loading in, and the chat is in console only.

Edit: I think this is on my end actually, just unsure how to fix it.

RE: Player count:
This is a known issue, we will be addressing it before full release, but we may not finish the fix before the new year.


@ghostleader Oh that’s really weird. I don’t see the chat in the output. Based on that screenshot it looks like what we’re doing in-studio isn’t replicating to you. Right now we have an orangeish skybox.

Another thing I noticed is while you can’t delete their player object through the explorer nor use Kick on them, you can still Destroy/Remove it or add it to the Debris. Since you’ll only be working with people you trust I’m not sure if this is much of an issue, but I could see the benefit in preventing player objects from being able to be destroyed too.

This is how the connection flow is supposed to look, let me know which phases do/don’t complete successfully:

  1. Click on cloud edit on the website
  2. Studio opens, no 3d view yet, a small dialog shows up “Requesting Access…” and a Cancel button (don’t press “Cancel”)
  3. Eventually, the “Requesting Access…” window goes away
  4. The 3d view opens, and you can see the place loading
  5. You should see the top bar and chat bar as if you were in a client

Please let me know what step (if any) is failing, and all output you get in the output window

I didn’t see any loading screen, so it stopped at 4 somewhere. It goes right into 3d view with nothing in it except the top bar, chat/etc.

Ok, it was something to do with my settings, I Reset all settings on my studio, and now it is working.

I have a plugin that loads in stuff with loadstring, but it didn’t work since loadstring was disabled in the place. I enabled it and tried to get the plugin to load it again, but I’m still getting the loadstring() is not available error. Is it just disabled in cloud editing?

Also, when I disabled ShowDevelopmentGui, others could still see what I put in the StarterGui, as if the change didn’t replicate to them.

Edit: When Rukiryo enabled FE I didn’t see it as enabled from my end as well.

RE: loadstring
AFAIK the loadstring setting does not replicate, so you would need to edit the place in traditional edit and re-publish (and everyone leaving the place). I’ll add something about this to the backlog

ShowDevelopmentGui: this was an existing setting that does not replicate, it is meant to allow people working on guis to see the guis while everyone else has the option to hide them.

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