1 Robux daily login bonus

(On TF2 “currency”)

Also, if someone were to have a cheap computers set up to bot this, they would get 144 user’s worth a day.

Anything free is botable.

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I didn’t. I just explained why tix is as real of a currency as robux.

Nothing is free, you didn’t get tix for free. You got them for loggin in to roblox, for being a part of the community. This was later abused by bots, a problem to which I suggested a 10 minutes gameplay bonus instead of login bonus.

Roblox did not give out tix for free, they paid for those loginbonuses. An investment I believe contributed greatly to roblox exponential growth.

It’s just like ads, you spend alot to reach just a few of the viewers and still makes a profit.

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The reason that tix have value is because they are useful to the developer/those who hold a lot of the currency. They paid for ads and some hats. If there was ever a new currency that was only for clothing, the value of it would be practically nothing. Also, roblox wants to reward clothing makers with the chance to devex (Not 100% sure on this). Robux have a real world value in two directions, every R$ has a penny behind it, and a developer can get a quarter of a penny out of it. If roblox were to give this out in mass quantities, they still have to pay devex, which would be a much bigger loss than 25% of their money.

This thread isn’t going anywhere, as it has been explained why it cannot and will not happen, yet excused and reasons are still coming up.

No, robux will not be given out for free, regardless of what you do. It will never be given out for free. Asking for it to be given out for free will not work because robux is not a free currency. Nothing you do will ever generate robux magically like tickets were.

Please stop thinking of reasons why they should be given out for free because it won’t work and never will work. Numerous reasons have been provided on why this cannot work. Stop.


Has anyone actually done the math here? We see about 20 million visitors monthly. If every single one of these got 1 R$ - and just one - we would be handing out $50,000 per day. We could quadruple our programming teams and still not come close to spending that much.

Of course, that’s not the whole picture. A lot of it isn’t unique traffic. A lot of them aren’t coming back every day. But at this scale, this just doesn’t seem like a real option. You guys like DevEx, right?


That is an unreasonable amount of usd to give out…
But if that’s so, how did you manage to give out 10 tix per day to these guys?
10 tix = 0.588 robux, which equals 29400 usd per day (according to your calculation of 50k usd/day).

May I suggest an alternative that might solve the issue then?
A starter capital of 10 robux.
That’s enough to buy one shirt and one pants, that would be enough to customize ur character.
It still leaves the issue of bot created accounts, but if that could be solved, would this be an option for you guys?

The economy isn’t my job, I’m just speaking as a community member. From what I understand, tickets are loosely coupled to ROBUX and thus real money. Adding more tickets works out to roughly the same no matter what, since the value is subject to inflation. If we gave out 20 tickets instead of 10, they’d be worth roughly half as much ROBUX as before.

Bitcoin is a good example; its price fluctuates because it has “trade value” but no inherent value, like gold. (because it is limited- it’s still sort of a trade value thing though)

There is “value” as in someone else would trade for it (something of perhaps real inherent worth, like food or sustenance or something tied to a limited supply)

Every R$ however is tied to REAL money being spent on the game. R$ ONLY gets generated right now when money is given to Roblox. That is why DevEx can work- they know that every R$ taken out of the pool makes R$ more valuable, and has worth tied to it that is already in Roblox’s pockets.

Just to point out; I do think users should get some kind of spendable currency that is barterable with R$ so that clothing makers (for instance) can still sell to FTP players.

Taking Tix out killed that bartering system, and any opportunity for FTP players to contribute spreading wealth.

Top game devs are not affected, but free players that are spread out and do things like buy obscure clothing from a wider range of clothing makers- that whole avenue is gone. Literally only people who pay money will be able to do anything/ contribute to a market.

Tix also increase the perceived value of Robux too. By distributing wealth for apparently worthless currency, the whales are more likely to purchase more robux as they would have to convert the worthless currency back which won’t happen as it is an inconvenience or that they spent the worthless currency.
Because whale doesn’t have enough money to buy new hat, whale throws their card at Roblox to get said hat.
A spread of wealth is a good thing as it satisfies free-to-play and has the whales spending more.

Robux is just a bridge for spent money to go to games and should be kept without any interference. Also keep in mind that Robux can’t be made out of thin air. Whilst the website economy is a nice thing to have, Roblox can pretty much exist without it. In theory.

IMO developers bring enough of the F2P experience nowadays, whilst we still get tons of events where free hats and gear are obtainable which even makes it quite a fun challenge.

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My new rpg throws you into a character creation screen where you pick hair, a face, armor and a weapon. The only similarity between this character and your website avatar is the username.

Games make up for character customization for free users. They’re going to start out on the website playing games. The games give them the experience required to stay. You guys need to keep in mind that a new user’s perspective of ROBLOX is a lot different than it was when we first took a look at it!

This is one of the only places I disagree. Just because Sword Burst Online and ROBLOX Top Model offer character customization, that doesn’t mean every other game does as well. Right now, games that offer full customization for your characters are in the minority, and don’t cover character customization the majority of time players are in-game. In-game customization also doesn’t do anything to your character on forums or group walls. In-game customization, in a minority of games at that, doesn’t cover all customization needs of players.

Edit: For clarification, I just wanted to make it clear that in-game customization didn’t solve the customization issue, regardless of whether ROBLOX solves that issue with free assets or not. I’m not claiming ROBLOX’s idea to release free assets to solve the customization issue won’t work.

The crux of the issue is that R$ cannot be made without real money input. Tickets were fine because they were not tied to real money in this way. R$ had to exist for them to have value; the trade currency only provided a way to move R$; it never produced it.

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Mmm ye I understand now…
Still think removing login bonus will be a big issue tho…

If you’re worried that players feel blocked out or left out of content, you can always implement the login bonus in your own game so that players can get a little of your in-game currency every day to buy stuff with. Supporting retention in your games also makes it more likely that people will buy R$ to spend at your game.

I don’t think login bonus ingame makes any difference, but if my players want it i’ll add it. Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

I’m not with the 1 R$ login bonus. But my idea instead of tickets is Micro Robux, which wouldn’t be anything but a currency for R$ (featured more for NBC players). So everyday NBC members collect Micro Robux and after obtaining say 100 M$ it turns into 1 R$. Roblox could make these hard earned in-games. Micro Robux wouldn’t be transferable through players, and would take long to turn into R$, so even the attempt at farming these would be tiring.

This just keeps the NBC in mind and keeps them tempted to play for rewards.

(Just a rough idea)

That just sounds like tix with a new name and the same problems.


Anything that can be botted will be botted. (That sounds like a nice law, if no one has claimed it, can I?) There are people out there that can be very patient. Keep in mind that R$ are the backbone of roblox right now, if there was to be a major increase of R$ without a real money backing, roblox could be ruined. Keep in mind that that R$ still holds a real world value with a set value.

What’s the point then? To wait for a R$?

Also, stated in the blog article

Q: If it’s about botting, why don’t you just implement ways to counteract that, like only awarding currency for spending at least x minutes in a game?

A: In general, anything we reward with currency will ultimately be botted.