October 3, 2020, 8:18pm
Still looking for 2 animators. Contact me if interested!
Hey guys! Just to let anyone know, the pay for what OP is requesting is good. I recommend working with this user.
Im interested, here’s my portfolio, contact me on Discord: EddieTheEgg#3148
October 3, 2020, 9:59pm
Do you need a UI Designer?
[Grup 1]
Hi there! You can call me Dan or Zoxian. I am 17 yo Moldovan UI Designer. I use Adobe Photoshop for all of my works. I am able to import all of the UI and properly scale it. I am experienced in different styles such as Medieval/Fantasy, Cartoon, Sci-fi, Modern/Flat etc. You can check out my groups to see my currenct or past projects. Currently learning more about 3D Graphic. I’m really motivated when it comes to creating and learning new stuff.
[Grup 1 kopya]
User Interface <a cla…
Hey I am interested as a builder and modeler. My discord is MintyCreator#6864
Hi, I’m interesed, my disc is DoryShelby0 #3174 or we can talk here. I’m scriipter terrain designer, proffesional buildier and clothes designer. My portafolio is the following( doesnt have everything I did) (OPEN) DoryShelby- Clothing Designer, Scripter, And terrain
1 Like
Hi i can animate pretty good here is my portfolio
I am interested in a builder or modeler position! Here is my portfolio. My discord is: Archalium#5759
Greetings! My name is Archalium. I am a 22 year Builder and 3D Modeller on ROBLOX from the USA. I joined in 2009 and I started to figure out ROBLOX studio and building in 2010. Within my time building and modelling on ROBLOX, I have worked with many people such as Vurse, Wonuf, RobXSoft, and OneLegitDev. I have over 5 years of experience building for other people and working on development teams.
I have worked on a variety of different games. I worked for Parenthood b…
October 21, 2020, 6:12pm
Hello, I am very interested in your game! Here’s my portfolio (I mainly do low poly building)
About Me
Hi there! I am offering my services as a builder and 3D Modeler. I specialize in asset creation and level design. I have been building for almost 3 years on Roblox and have previously worked on titles such as YouTuber Simulator, UGC Lifting Simulator and Wizard Champions.
Builds & 3D Models
Previous work on this topic:
Builds! (upload://2cf7em6yjXJFqxUKrZhkEEaOQlu.png) <a class="lightbox" href="//…
My discord: Μikey#0455
October 23, 2020, 4:57pm
Uh do you need voice actors? If so I am happy to do so! Lemme know contact me on Discord: SplattyYT ツ#5555 Hope to hear from you
October 24, 2020, 7:56pm
(Seems like I accidently deleted my message here but anyway-) Hello, I am interested in your project and I’d like to apply for the position of animator, here’s my portfolio
Since I can’t edit the title, I will say it here.
About Me
I am a 18 years old french R15 Animator specialized in movement and fight animations (Martial, weapons, skills, …).
What I CAN do -Movement animations (Walking, running, …)
-Fight animations (Hand to hand, sword, spear, and many more)
-Skill animations (Fireball throw [Player animation only], …)
What I CAN'T do -Animating the weapon itself (Ex : animating a magazine when reloading a …
And here’s my discord
Hope to hear from you ^^
October 25, 2020, 4:13am
Hey I’m interested to hear more about the project.
Traducción en Español (Spanish Translation):
Hey! I’m Crepz or known on Roblox as xCr_epzz!
I am a South American Builder and Spanish Translator. I am a sports enthusiast and always loved to stay active in my free time! I’ve been actively building for about 3 years now but taken breaks here and there. But during the times of work, I have managed to get some of the best experiences I …
Discord: Crepz.#8676
Hello, Im intrested in modeling for you, heres my portfolio (its not so updated) if you want you can contact me for more exemples.
Are you able to do mid-high poly vehicles?
Hello @Staysail ! I am interested in both the building and the modeling positions. However, I would need more info on the game before hire.
Here is my portfolio:
About Me
Hi there! I am offering my services as a builder. I am 15 years old, and I specialize in asset creation and level design. I have been building for about 3 years on Roblox and can build just about anything. However, I specialize in Sci-Fi (as you can see in the screenshots down below).
Large Builds <a class="lightbox" href="//" data…
Hey I’m an advanced modeler interested in working on this game I haven’t made a portfolio on the forum yet but I can dm you the things i’ve made through discord, my user is ChrisCB#2879.
October 28, 2020, 6:39pm
Looking for an experienced builder still that can build realistic maps. Contact me if you have any questions or want to apply.
November 5, 2020, 5:32pm
(hello there)
November 6, 2020, 4:36am
I am quite interested, here is my portfolio. Procfile's portfolio You can DM me at Parzival#1517
I’m a builder Roblox Username [ImFatBoiHowAboutYou] and I can build you anything
You can look at the build I made made so far on my Roblox group
I also helped another person by building him a desert Bio
Please Consider Hiring me. Because I love to build and will put in 100% of effort