This was made specifically for me and my uses. This has very little documentation because it’s my code and I already know what it all does. Also some code pieces taken from Nexus VR.
This essentially works like the Nexus VR Character Model but for R6.
This includes:
Configurable snap turning
Custom vignettes and blinking (Enabled from the VignetteEnabled setting)
VirtualKeyboard remade to not rely on CoreGui (same with Panel3D)
Full sitting support
(Also a incredibly stable framework for when I or others add things)
It manually transforms the joints instead of moving the limbs around with physics, I stopped relying on physics because there were a ton of stability issues that would sometimes mess the character up big time.
If you want to update the code to include the options to use network ownership physics jibber jabber, be my guest.
Probably an issue with Roblox VR itself right now. My code uses pretty much the same movement code that exist inside of Roblox’s default VR controller, meaning it’s probably Roblox.
i have this issue where the screen turns black if you move your head in a different position than the one you started in, any ideas on why this is happening and how i could fix this?