30% Market Taxation

That’s true, but it would be super apocalyptic levels for roblox. That’s thousands x100 for them. Not to paint roblox as evil, but I don’t imagine they are scrambling to lose out on 5% out of nowhere.

It’s a balance between roblox making enough to upkeep and grow, and developers earning enough to continue creating monetized games. The cash out rate increasing 2.5x caused a lot of developers to buckle down, take roblox seriously and create epic games (also great for PR). The guys at roblox have all of the stats and it’s ultimately up to them how they fine tune the economy here. At RDC16 we heard that top devs might be making 10 million dollars in the future; the most direct way to do this is to give developers a larger cut, but it may also mean roblox is going to use their cut to expand the platform.
The company and developers have a symbiotic relationship, and the percentages will cause roblox to grow in different ways.


Oh wow that’s abysmal on the lower end. I’m not sure I know any platforms where the cut is that low. I understand the need for cash for servers etc etc, but possibly getting a 15.9% cut is not great. It should be 30% minimum all the time.

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(Meanwhile NBC players have a 90% fee, rip)


Ultimately I don’t think it would hurt to remove it. Especially with tickets now gone. Could even bring the NBC tax down to like 50%, but maybe that’s too much of a change.

It would definitely hurt ROBLOX if they removed it. Here’s a nice post by Shedletsky which explains what the market tax is and why we have it:


That’s pretty interesting. I can see now why 0% fee wouldn’t work, but
honestly the 30% we have now is a really awkward number to work with, even 25% as a few people have mentioned above would make life easier.


Don’t think I’ve seen this yet: Sorcus told me once it was because apple app store has a 30% tax.


A 15% share of the money is low, but 30% pure profit for us isn’t bad at all really.

Yes but that’s 30% of USD purchases, not 30% of ROBUX that we can cashout 1:1

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I agree that 30% isn’t bad, but it isn’t too great either.

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Only problem I have with the tax is selling things for R$5 - the lowest possible price for shirts and pants.

70% of 5 is 3.5, but ROBLOX drops the decimal. You make 3 robux instead of 3.5 for every R$5 purchase.

That means every 10 purchases, you lose an 11th. 3.510=35, 310=30, you’re missing an amount equal to the price of your product after just 10 purchases.

It’s a very minimal amount, yeah, but rounding down is really weird to me. I realize that it makes more sense with such small numbers, but when I pay out 10 robux to my group members to buy the uniform, I only get R$6 back in the group funds. I lose R$4 per payout while I could be losing R$2 (if ROBLOX rounded up), or R$3 (if ROBLOX somehow included the decimal).

Vortex Security’s Uniform Shirt and Pants have 737 and 667 sales, respectively, as of the moment, and both sell for R$5 each. That comes out to R$4,212 off of both of them, whereas with the actual tax (3.5 R$ per purchase), it would come out to R$4.914. That’s a R$702 difference, or 140 purchases, after less than 1500 purchases. If ROBLOX rounded up, it would be R$5,616, a R$1,404 difference, and 280 purchases.

But that’s not a huge issue. It’s only R$702 missing from the group funds. I can imagine that I’d be more frustrated with this if the uniform was selling like crazy, though.


Would it help if instead of rounding down/up, ROBLOX put decimals in pending sales and whenever enough added up to be a whole number, you get payed that out of pending sales?


Honestly, yeah. I was thinking of something along the lines of that but I didn’t quite know how to put it into words.


With the AdService (the mobile one that was disabled) you got like .5R$ per view although it was rounded up so eg 99 views = 50R$ on the end of the day. But if you had 99 views the next day then you would only get 49R$. So the decimals were kind a counted internally.

I just hate having so many expenses just to cash out. Theres:

  1. OBC cost
  2. Marketplace fees
  3. Paypal fees
  4. Actual taxes
    It adds up and becomes a real inconvenience.

I think Paypal is something we can all agree on cutting out. I think taymaster, Cindering, or some other top earning dev mentioned that Roblox is looking into alternatives.

I still don’t understand why OBC is a requirement for cashing out? Its one of the reasons I haven’t used DevEx. I’m saving up until I can cash it out for a larger sum down the line and just get OBC once.


I think it’s so they don’t get overwhelmed with requests.

EDIT: Nvm, most people with at least 100k R$ are probably OBC anyways.

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I have more than 100k and don’t have OBC :p. Its a silly requirement really, because if you have over 100k you should be able to cash it out no matter what membership you have.