3D Import Recap Jul-Oct 2024

Hello Creators!

Welcome to the Jul-Oct 2024 recap for the 3D Importer! We’ll be highlighting some improvements, bug fixes, and other notable changes to the 3D importer. Let’s dive into it!

New Features

Many of these new quality-of-life features are brought to you by the newest member of our team, @georjozh!

Improved Upload Results UI

We’ve modified the look of the result widget to allow you to take more actions after a scene has been imported. The following actions have been added:

  • A button to copy all the mesh IDs created from the import

  • A link to find your new asset in the Creator Dashboard

  • A button to reconfigure an import if it failed

We’ve also made improvements to the UI when an import fails. Instead of printing error details to the console, this improved UI packages each error message into its own toggleable box that can be selected and copied.

Async Import

Previously, Studio would hang in the process of parsing a selected file before opening the Import Preview prompt. We’re rolling out an asynchronous import process that lets you continue on your work in Studio while we parse files in the background. The new UI looks something like this!

Automatic Name Truncation

You may have noticed that any names with more than 50 characters would automatically fail to import. While this is to prevent overly long names and unintended behaviors, the process of configuring imports only for an error was frustrating for users. The importer will now warn you of names that exceed the 50 character limit before truncating names in the middle. For example, say I have a mesh I named “my-super-cool-cube-with-a-long-name-that-goes-on-forever”:

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a bug where the anchored property was not applied correctly via presets.
  • Added additional validation for asset names
  • Minor performance improvements
  • We’re aware of a bug regarding errors and warnings not appearing correctly in Import Preview and will be rolling out a fix in the coming weeks

Other News

We recently released the Import Queue beta! This feature allows you to import multiple scene files at once, and apply configurations to them in bulk. Please see our post for more details.

As you may have heard from RDC, we are now also working on the revamped Asset Manager. This post will be used in the future to announce incremental improvements after we release our first beta. Stay tuned and we look forward to your thoughts!

We’d also like to call out some fantastic creators who met with us at RDC! It’s been a while, but you all deserve a shoutout from participating in our “most creative workflows” game we held. Thank you so much for giving us valuable feedback!

@StyledDev, @TheReal4Cedar123, @borringthomas, @fusionfriends, @x0row, @E_dn, @EternityReality, @SkyyOrbs, @MatthewDeIRey, @Krissy3D, @zintenka, @BiackoutDev, @FrostyCherries, @yozoh, @Abcreator, @tabby0x, @zombiefin, @CreatyChamelean, @Akkoza, @vylith, @FireAttack, @hooferbevelops, @RoboCamb0t, @ev1, @PrincessRo, @CorrivalRhyme, @sloss2003, @snowdustDev, @photosoup, @Gelatinium3, @FlynnsCorner, and 3 more anonymous creators.

If you made it this far, let us know what your go-to setting presets are! Do you have Anchored on by default? What scale unit do you use?


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Loving all the updates! Very glad to see how quick they are all releasing

Woohoo! It was great meeting you all!

My workflow is messy, but messy is nice :smiling_face_with_tear:


This was one of my most rage-inducing problems, the import errors were never any explanatory.
A massive upgrade over the previous behaviour, i love mesh importer more than ever


Great! I am really happy that you are working to improve the 3D import in Roblox Studio. Many users use external models, and unfortunately, there are often issues with large models (such as big maps, etc.). The future of Roblox Studio is truly promising. Keep up the good work!


Happy to see roblox improving for thier devs, now there are much better games being built because of these improvements


Thanks for mentioning me and listening to feedback!

I’m not sure if the specific issue I mentioned was fixed yet, but I made a post here talking about the lack of support for mesh instancing when e.g importing levels or scenes into Roblox.


3D Import have a big problem about face orientation.

We are making a big game and our models like realistic but some faces have a problem when we import to roblox.


muah you guys were amazing at rdc lots of love goes out to you and your team :slight_smile:


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