A property for Fire to make the effects always go up

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to have the default fire always have the flame going up into the sky regardless of the part’s orientation. To have this effect, one must use a particle emitter with Acceleration in the Y axis.

For those who just want to quickly add a fire object without having to change a bunch of properties for the particle emitter (such as texture, color, size, transparency, well pretty much 90% of properties to get it looking like good fire) they will have to deal with the fire’s emission always going based on the part’s top surface. So if that part was rotated the fire would no longer be emitting upwards, but to the left. (see example image below).

Having a property setting on the default fire object to always have the fire emitter go up into the sky regardless of the parts orientation will improve things like torches or campfires. I am thinking such a property would be called AlwaysRiseUp, and it would be used similar to AlwaysOnTop for gui objects. A simple boolean value right under the Enabled property, like so:

Some visuals for better explanation on this feature request:

This simple setting (hopefully it would be simple to add) will make a lot of devs lives easier :smile:


I like this, but I think it would be more useful to be able to set what the ‘up’ vector is, and thus maybe it would be more appropriate to be able to assign the ‘WorldDirection’ vector of the particle?

Edit: Or I guess that would still require the toggling of an ‘alwaysriseup’ property too


you can solve this by putting an attachment in the part and the fire in the attachment, letting you position the fire which ever way you please



I like the idea of having particles ignore the rotation of what they’re parented to, as it’s useful for certain cases. However, I wouldn’t put your hopes too high on it being a feature to the fire object, and I would also suggest you avoid using it. The reason I suggest that is that at this point, particles such as sparkles, fire, and smoke should be expected to become deprecated.

The goal is to give users the ability to make the particles they need, rather than supply these different particle objects with very little flexibility.

This feature request would probably be better if it were requesting a property for ParticleEmitters. It probably shouldn’t be named ‘AlwaysRiseUp’ as this wouldn’t be the only use case.


While the attachment is useful for making the fire change direction without having to rotate the part itself, what I am doing is actually rotating the part, so I would have to then counter rotate the attachment, something I would rather avoid having to do.

If Fire, Sparkles, and Smoke are indeed going to be removed/depricated in the future, then hopefully they consider this property or like someone else said, a property that lets us choose the direction regardless of the parts orientation, for Particle emitters too. Fire in reality always burns upwards, and thats the effect im trying to achieve.

Edit: ok so it is possible with Particle emitters already. But you have to make sure it doesn’t make a fountain effect by using no speed, and having the acceleration be quick with a short lifespan.

Here is the properties I used:

  • Size: 0,1 --> 0.5, 1 --> 1,0
  • Transparency: 0,0 --> 1,1
  • Acceleration: 0,1,0
  • LifeTime: 2
  • Rate: 8
  • Speed: 0

But again, like I said in the starting post, having a simple checkbox on the Fire object would make things easier for those who are new to developing on Roblox, because the fire object will most likely always exist so it doesn’t break old games. Even if they do deprecate the Fire object it will still be useful even to newer games for its simplicity.