Ability to Archive Clothing Assets

Didn’t realize how short the character limit was, wow.

Maybe you could either send multiple requests (filling out the form multiple times) or just put the asset links on pastebin or something? I don’t know if replying to the automated confirmation message would do anything.


Has this been successful for anyone yet? Hesitant to use it, given Roblox’s track record.

So far nothing. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Was this the same support request you emailed out through the Support page?

I remember seeing a post about how we would be getting more information in the coming days but, that was a number of days ago. So I’m not sure what to make of this extra option in their support forum that has already shown a lack of response.

I just got the standard “your request has been recieved, will be removed in 30 days” email! All hope is not lost! (This is in response to the first email I sent, nearly 3 months ago now).

This section has been around for years, except emailing that simply gets the normal support team to tell you to file a proper takedown request through the correct contact - ie, email copyright_agent/ipcontent_removal with a proper legalese DMCA form

Don’t get your hopes up though, I was told that and the assets were never removed for 8 months straight, when questioned again over 7 months in I was told the exact same thing.

It has not, it was added to the support form on May 23.


Here is a Wayback Machine capture from May 22 where it is not there.



That is weird. The time intervals between responses is very bizarre. Things appear to still be chaotic at Roblox HQ

I stand corrected, I swear that asset removal request was always an option (maybe I’m just misremembering the owner DMCA claim option?)

In that case, I guess I meant the owner DMCA claim option redirects to simply telling you to submit through the other contact methods.

Yeah you’re thinking of the Owner DMCA claim option. It’s so wild how this has been a lingering issue for hundreds if not thousands of other users and they JUST NOW added a partial fix to this, and it’s not even working because I dont think anybody’s actively heard anything from anyone since they implimented that new tab.


For anyone following this thread: It is now possible for now to request archival of your historic clothing items.

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So I sent a request to have a few things archived about two weeks ago.
Would it be better to wait to see if the ticket gets fully processed or send in a new one since there’s this new post about it?

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They said not to submit multiple requests.


I think they said they are making an archive button for this soon here:

Temporary Process For Archiving Avatar Items - Updates / Announcements - Developer Forum | Roblox

" This is the next step to better support you in managing your past and new creations on Roblox, and we’re excited to build tools that better handle the management of all types of IP. By the end of 2024, we plan to introduce a self-service archival option for Marketplace. We’ll have more to share in the coming months."

Maybe not, I dunno…

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Starting to seem like you were right, haha.

Still, I do think it’s better than having had no response from roblox. They did also ignore my many follow-ups and secondary email (I didn’t get that copy-paste email again) so, that does make me think that it is an actual person.

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Months have passed, and still no response has been received from the copyright agent regarding my extensive list of items from approximately 2015 to 2022 that I wish to have removed and archived. And within the recent months, ROBLOX has been falsely cracking down on people who have been uploading historical American revolutionary flags, and you know who else has a ton of assets related to those flags? This guy and I already got slapped with a false 1-day ban a couple months ago over a Betsy Ross flag-related asset, and plenty of my clothing also uses the flag as a design as well.

I complained about this issue above in another devforum post, and as someone who’s into Vexillology, it’s a pain in the head to literally have to constantly be cautious over stuff I do that is literally harmless. I already read a devforum post about someone getting a false 7-day terrorism ban over the state flag of Arkansas, and I do also have clothing based around that flag design myself in one of my old groups.

It’s becoming difficult because I am now having to literally censor/remove harmless things due to the fear of the moderation being this way and not helping when I request for them to read my appeal; they already gave me a warning many months earlier over a Betsy Ross asset before the 1-day ban one, and it’s starting to become to the point I want to archive my old clothing so these false moderations stop happening every 2-5 months when I randomly log-in.

I don’t want to lose this account. I have friends who are deceased and still have me added to this account, and I don’t want to make a new account and spend years worth of building up on there. I want a clothing archival system that doesn’t require me to email a copyright agent that is considered widely unreliable by 99% of the posters here.

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It’s still crazy how Roblox is still dragging its feet in fully implementing an Archive function.
It takes a month for Roblox Support to process an archive request and it doesn’t always work, meanwhile the Copyright Agent email is for some reason still working?

As Roblox’s TOS update, it’s imperative that users can readily update their inventories to stay in good standing with the rules and especially if those rules are ambiguous enough where it’s easy to make mistakes.

It’s almost as if Roblox’s TOS demands absolute perfection without deviation. It demands that everyone be constantly up to date whenever an interpretation of the rules change without, even being told, as if everyone on Roblox is supposed to be part of a interconnected computer hive-mind.

Just let us archive Classic Clothing assets already.

Just in case anyone missed it, archiving clothing is currently on the public roadmap, aimed for late 2024.

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Watch it be, like, December 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM

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