Ability to set thickness of text strokes, letter spacing on TextLabels & TextButtons

There’s currently .TextStrokeTransparency and .TextStrokeColor3 properties, but the thickness of the stroke seems to be arbitrary, which makes it difficult to use for styling beyond providing thin contrasting text shadows.

This would allow for text styling that looks like this, for example (this text’s stroke thickness is 3 px):


The ability to set the spacing between characters in TextLabels and TextButtons would also be nice to be able to set (also for text styling purposes).

Since both of these are dependent on the text size, it might be worth having these values be in a unit that scales based on the current text size :mag_right:


Can we please get a response on this? It’s really frustrating that the stroke of your text is the same size no matter what the size of your font is. It works for small font but essentially rules out most strokes for large or super tiny fonts. It’s a real bummer and a major design hurdle.

What would also be amazing along with TextStrokeSize would be TextStrokeOffset. This would allow you to offset the stroke to super easily create a drop shadow effect, which currently requires creating a completely separate TextLabel (something that is super unintuitive for new developers and a pain to work with)



Almost 2019 and we still dont have this feature… I find it frustrating how I cant change the text-stroke thickness for my text. I can barely see the text stroke on my game title below.


Definitely something I would be using.
I can see this being used for choice options.
The button/text you click on would get outlined.


2019 now. Any word on whether some more text options are coming soon?


Would really love to see developers gain more control over text properties and this included! We can bring more life to text just by simply changing the text stroke and colour, how come this isn’t already implemented?


Bumping this because I really could use this feature

I really need to be able to set the thickness of text strokes, quite often as strokes improve the quality of text and allow them to pop out, text without a stroke can be hard to view if they are not a dark color


a stroke helps a lot but as @berezaa mentioned this one text stroke width makes some fonts unusable


it’s been 2+ years, this feature is needed

a response would be great, even if for some reason this cannot/wont be added we want to know


I totally agree. If Roblox opens for custom text stroke thickness it will open a new world of posibilities. Many games (outside or roblox) use stroke thickness as a crucial part in their game design. As of now the stroke is pretty useless, as it is barely visible when it is only one pixel. If you look at the picture below it is clear what a big visual change this would do.

This post has been active for 2 years and is still getting responses, and has 78 likes and counting! This should be given more attention.

Roblox engineers, please do this. It would help us a lot!

Look at the big difference it makes!

@Seranok, can you or any staff please respond. Even if it can’t be added for some reason just give us an answer.


Hi! We’re aware of this issue and we’ve been tracking it internally for a while now. This is something we want to do, but I don’t have a good estimate on when we’ll get to it, unfortunately. Thanks for your patience everyone!


2017? I complain a lot about tiny problems and lack of features on Roblox, but little stuff like this is really starting to bother me. I don’t often use text strokes as I don’t like the style, but I am disappointed to see that the one time I found text stroke helpful, I couldn’t even set the thickness. Knowing Roblox, did I expect anything fancy like being able to change the pressure or thickness variation? No, but, I honestly didn’t expect something as simple as the text stroke width to not be a feature.

I just can not even express my dissatisfaction. The one time I need this simple feature that seems to have been around for years doesn’t even has the simplest of features.


It’s now 2021 and nothing. This would be very useful today especially for instances like this (note the gem amount):


The other text is made in photoshop but not the amount display because that isn’t constant.


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