About our upcoming Global Compliance System

(: It was more food for thought- given Tencent’s reputation. It was more-so that developers don’t particularly keep up with these things unless you’re intensive and rely on ROBLOX to a great deal.

There is however, strict guidelines within Chinese media- and what can/cannot be shown upon release (: Another thing to consider, if your games’ mechanics are easily interchangable/translatable and keep up the same sort of gameplay in chinese servers- as you would with the rest of the world (:

I think Simulators could greatly benefit, given you know exactly what you’re buying- but lootcrates are looked down upon from what I know- and against the TOS for releasing in China! ((albeit it kind of is outlawed here as well, but only if you don’t show the % rates :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t agree nor disagree with the practice)) So we should all be considerate of what it truly means to release in China, past the politics of it all.

Just how it affects you + your fellow community, now that we’ll have our Chinese brothers and sisters joining us (:


Is the ArePaidRandomItemsRestricted property working? In that, it’s true if the user is in a country with paid random items (lootboxes) restricted, e.g. Belgum.

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Expect seeing playtime limit in China? And also identity verification

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Are you asking a question or stating something? Did you find documentation on a playtime limit on Roblox? Why would this relate to the China thing?

This kind of feature can be seen in most of the games in China. I wonder will roblox have such feature for teens. (China, ofc)

not sure but thinks you are enforced to set one for teenagers or below

Ok. Let’s do that.

“1 in 5 corporations say China has stolen their IP within the last year” CNBC CFO survey

“China ‘has taken the gloves off’ in its theft of US technology secrets” South China Morning Post

“US helpless against China’s IP theft” Asian Times

“China’s theft of IBM’s intellectual property” CSO

“US Should Get Tough On Chinese IP Theft, Committee Warns” Forbes

“China is stealing American intellectual property” LA Times

I posted 6 links but I could have easily posted 100 links. I don’t want to be political so I included the LA Times :joy:

There are practical reasons to be very concerned about this. No politics needed. If someone steals your dreams, ideas, inventions, months/years of work… will it matter what political party they’re with or if they are your “friend”?


but our long-term vision is a much bolder undertaking to create an entire Global Compliance Module that gives developers full control over their game’s availability across the world’s markets and platforms.

More markets and platforms sounds fantastic! So are we talking PS4 and beyond, Nintendo everything and beyond? If so how soon?

Is Roblox going to learn every countries standards or is it more of a regional thing?

Can I just have a bunch of check boxes in a panel under game settings? Maybe I could enable a game for all countries and platforms or not and if not Roblox shows me a list of countries as links to their guidelines along with check boxes enabling countries of choice? It would be cool to make something that’s played everywhere on everything!


(: I’m aware of these statistics- thus the mentioning of Tencent on my behalf- but wanted to circumvent outright accusing ROBLOX of not-quite the best idea, nor company choice when entering the Chinese market. Tencent has already partnered up with LEGO, and released a Minecraft-esque app which actually looks decent, above all of the hooyah problems of shameless imitation. Although- if you couldn’t tell by ROBLOX’s current trending page, Simulators thrive and there’s much issue with copying among our creators; this is essentially that, but on a much larger scale.

Maybe ROBLOX was intimidated and wanted to enter the market before China had a chance to attempt to overthrow with their own knockoff, regardless- we’re just sitting ducks. The decision has been made. :slight_smile: I won’t treat our chinese counterparts badly, simply because of fear of competition- That would be a self-fulfilling prophecy, you obviously won’t respect someone in return if they never respected you in the first place. Let’s see where this goes, and welcome our Chinese brothers and sisters. I hear they’ll all be of our own age-range, which is a great blessing in and of itself.


I found that on the ROBLOX ToS.

2.1 Option to distribute Your China UGC on the China Game. In addition to making your UGC available to other users as Dev Services on the Platform, you may be given the opportunity to make your UGC available to players (" China Players “) of the version of the Platform and Services published and operated in the PRC (” China Game ") by Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd (the " China Publisher “). Publishing your UGC on the China Game will be completely at your option, and you have no obligation to do so. UGC that you choose to make available to China Players (” Your China UGC ") will be subject to review in accordance with this Section 2.1. To the extent made available in the China Game, Your China UGC will be deemed published by the China Publisher. If a China Player purchases Your China UGC, you may be eligible to earn Robux from Roblox Corporation in accordance with Section 2.9, below. However, the purchase of Your China UGC by a China Player will not constitute the provision of Dev Services or establish any other form of contractual relationship between you and that China Player. Rather, Your China UGC will be sub-licensed to the China Player by the China Publisher. Sections 5B and 6B(3) shall not apply to Your China UGC to the extent that they are inconsistent with Sections 2.2 and 2.9.
2.2 License of Your China UGC. You hereby grant and agree to grant to us a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable license, with a power to sub-license through multiple levels to any person or entity (including, but not limited to, to the China Publisher), in respect of Your China UGC, in whole or in part, to:
2.2 (a) distribute, host, store, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform (including by means of digital audio transmissions and on a through-to-the-audience basis), reproduce (including in timed synchronization to visual images), and use in any way, in any media or formats (tangible or intangible) and through any platform, media, items or channels (online, offline, or others, now known or hereafter developed), Your China UGC for any purpose including (but not limited to) for publicity and marketing purposes;
2.2 (b) use Your China UGC and associated username to publicize or market the Service or China Game, any UGC, and tangible items related to the Services or China Game through television, motion pictures, books, annuals, encyclopedias or anthologies, websites, social media, online or print magazines or newspapers, whether for commercial, non-commercial or educational purposes; and
2.2 (c) modify, localize, filter, create derivative works of, or otherwise alter the whole or part of Your UGC, for any purpose including for publicity and marketing purposes.
2.3 Through-to-the Audience Rights. All of the rights you grant in these Terms are provided on a through-to-the-audience basis, meaning that the we, our licensees, the China Publisher, and owners or operators of third party services will not have any separate liability to you or any other third party for UGC you Provide or use on such third party services via the Service or China Game.
2.4 Submission of Your China UGC. You may use the Services to submit Your China UGC to us for distribution on the Service, or the China Game via the China Publisher. All submissions of Your China UGC for such distribution are subject to our, our licensees or the China Publisher’s (together, " Distribution Entities ") review process, the China UGC Requirements, and policies set out on the forums operated by us for Devs (Roblox Developer Forums).
2.5 UGC Requirements. In addition to your compliance with these Terms, including, without limitation, Sections 6A(3) and 6B(5) to 6B(9), each item of Your China UGC that you submit must comply with PRC laws and regulations and the China UGC Submission Policy document (the " China UGC Requirements ").
2.6 Review of Your China UGC. Any Distribution Entity may review, filter and modify UGC as it sees fit before determining whether to distribute Your China UGC to any China Player for publication on the China Game in its sole discretion. The Distribution Entity’s determination in this respect shall be final.
2.7 No obligation to distribute Your China UGC. For the avoidance of doubt, no Distribution Entity has any obligation to distribute any of Your China UGC to the China Publisher for publication on the China Game, and the China Publisher has no obligation to publish any of Your China UGC on the China Game.
2.8 Re-filtering of Your China UGC. In the event of any change in applicable laws, regulations, China UGC Requirements, rules, policies, or for any other reason, the Distribution Entities shall have the absolute discretion to (a) modify or filter published Your China UGC on the China Game; and/or (b) suspend or terminate the distribution and publication of any of Your China UGC on the China Game, in whole or in part, at any time. Any Distribution Entity may contact you in connection with any action taken in accordance with this Section, and you may be given an opportunity to remedy or amend Your China UGC and to resubmit it for publication.
2.9 Earning Robux for Your China UGC. You may earn Robux in connection with the purchase of Your China UGC by China Players on the China Game. These Robux shall be calculated in accordance with the Developer Exchange Terms of Use.
2.10 Group China UGC. The Owner of a Group also has authority to elect whether or not to accept opportunity to make UGC created by the Group available on China Game for purchase by China Players in accordance with these Terms, and Sections 5[B] shall continue to apply, save that (i) in the case of Section 5[B], references to “Devs” shall mean the Owner, and “Dev Services”, "Dev Game Services, “Dev Game Item Services” and “Dev Avatar Item Services” shall all be read as referring to UGC created by the Group. For avoidance of doubt, Robux earned by Group UGC shall be generated in accordance with the DevEx Policy…


In terms of managing (Game and Player) configuration settings, is this approach consistent or inconsistent?

Do I understand correctly that instead of adding Global Compliance System to the Configure Game or Configure Localization [1] settings interface in the Create / Develop / My Creations interface, this has been added as an in-game service such that developers need to write their own in-game scripting logic to handle Player settings for through GetPolicyInfoForPlayerAsync using their own custom logic?

From router and server techniques, I could see a Configure Policy and Terms interface using a combination of white list (allow) and black list (deny), such that developers could add predefined countries to either list.

By default, do not allow any countries or terms to a game so that no one can play it until the developer explicitly allows countries.

Want to publish to the whole world? Add the World (or “Select All” countries) to your game’s Allow white list.

Do not agree with the business terms, laws, or policies of a given region, country, or other legal entity? Add that item to the Deny black list in your game’s Compliance settings under the Create / Develop / My Creations interface.

Maybe this kind of approach doesn’t consider all the intricacies involved?

Not that scripting is particularly tough, but it is Error Prone X Number of Developer Implementations.

[1] Localization being originally intended for Language settings, I know.

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this is gonna be interesting…

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This is good for devs who don’t know the local laws in countries, good job again Roblox :+1::+1:

International Roblox is gonna be awesome for devs…:+1::mask:


I have just a few questions that aren’t listed

Is there a list of countries that will be coming soon?

Do we have to keep updating our games to follow their new policies?

Would we have to change some of our games text and or images to comply to their standards?

Can you opt-in or opt-out, and if so if you opt-in and you do not follow their regulations do you get a strike on your account?

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How do we choose which countries our games our published in right now? (February 2020)

As the title indicates, this feature is upcoming. This means it isn’t available yet.

It’ll hopefully be here soon. :wink:


So if a game is published today, it automatically publishes to China and in doing so automatically agrees to the terms of the China UGC policy?

Would like some indication of Roblox’s intended method to “give developers the choice of which countries their games ar published in” as it is not described in OP and checking an in-game service for Player Policy info takes place AFTER publishing.

I’m pretty sure there are no Roblox games published in China at the moment.


The China marketplace will most likely be opt-in. Considering they’re a bit more strict Roblox won’t force your game into their marketplace by default.

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A significant issue I’ll have with publishing in China is my geopolitical strategy game which I am working on; which includes China (People’s Republic of China), Taiwan (Republic of China), Hong Kong and Macau as a playable nations. Would I have to rename Taiwan to “Chinese Taipei” like Taiwan goes under at the olympic games or do I remove Taiwan all-together and make it a part of China? Another problem I have is in-game chat, players are fully capable of bypassing the chat system and will most likely spread anti-PRC comments in-game. Should I localise the chat system specifically for China?