About the Studio Features category

This category is for feature requests pertaining to Roblox Studio. Topics in this category should only be for requesting new features or changes to existing features.

If your feature request only relates to Studio and not to the engine, it should be posted here. (i.e. related to things like Draggers, Toolbox, Script Editor, Testing, Studio Widgets, Plugins, etc)

On the other hand, if your feature request also affects in-game (the client), please post it in Engine Features instead. (i.e. related to things like GUIs, Physics, Characters, Rendering, Particles, Materials, Lighting, etc)

How should I write my feature request?

Make sure that your feature has not already been requested! Use the search in the top-right to look for topics!

After that, you need to follow the writing steps for requesting features:

Who can post here?

  • People in the AllowFeatureRequests group can create topics in this category.
  • All forum members can reply to topics.
  • Everyone can read all the contents in this category, even when not logged in.

Want to contribute, but you’re not a forum member yet?

See this post for more information on how to contribute.