[ACS] Advanced Combat System | Roblox's #1 FPS Combat System

Found the RBXL file on another post, Its the latest version but its on the legacy post as an RBXL file
acs2.0.1.rbxl (1.0 MB)


in ACS 1.7.5 how can i add a vignette when aiming?

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it’s r6 only, you need a r6 avatar or startercharacter

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It was on

That might be the one you found.

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I had fiddled with the scripting and was going between r6 and R15. The photo I showed you was R6. I found out the StarterCharacter (which was from the avatar editor) had missing parts to it like I think a Root part. It’s fixed now after your request so thanks!

Edit: nevermind, the photo i showed you was r15. But I did use r6.

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Hey, please refer to the link provided below.

I got warned for reuploading this. Wow. Well done ROBLOX. Once again


i also got warned because of the acs system

I don’t have my computer right now, but I’m guessing all you need to do is grab a vignette image on the StarterGUI, find the code for aiming(I will give the code to you but it will take a while until I get it so be patient) and add another code that I also will provide you in about 8-10 hours.

Real quick, what rbxl are you using? 2.0? Or 1.9?

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I’m re-making the system I used for a banned game of mine that was in 1.75 into 2.0.1 currently.

what did it give u a warning for?

Ah, ok. I’ll message you when I find out. Just give me 8-10 hours sorry.

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I am almost done with the scripting. Technically, if you want to do it on your own, you place a ScreenGUI in the StarterGUI and place a script for when you are holding an item (Like the USP, but it’s complicated because the Item and a model are both merged as one, so I’m not sure that the “Tool” is a tool or a model if you know what I’m saying ) and then just merge them together. I’m almost done with the scripting, just give me a little bit longer please.

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the med system

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i literally expected that lol makes sense

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Anyone else having this happen?

It happens when I try to use the knife on the head of a test rig, and the headshots with guns only happen around a second after I shoot the rig’s torso.


If You Are Having Issues Due to the med system in ACS, you’ll have to rename every drug reference in the med system and replace all of the images of needles. (I’d also recommend using find and replace in the scripts to rename anything against TOS) I’ve tried this and have not been warned (been around a month)

Does anyone have this bug where quickly unequipping and re-equipping a gun mid reload causes it to skip the animation and complete the reload?
its very exploitable and easily replicated and im unsure whether i set up the engine wrong or it is the fault of the engine.

Hello! Everyone please after installing this system directly rename any medicine name as of example morphine etc due roblox automoderation giving warning (I got one already) for its usage due its regulated content and is not allowed in roblox (even if you just disable medical system you should still rename it). Also I’m in fact not first and not last who will/got warned, reference ACS Med System Removal

Hey, is there any way to access the newest version? It was taken down due to the morphine.