[ACS] Advanced Combat System | Roblox's #1 FPS Combat System

Anyone that needs the ACS 2.0.1 version i have it. Just ping and i will send the roblox friendly version.


Anyone know how to edit the touch screen device control buttons on 2.0?

I need it for acs 2.0.1
ik there r plenty of videos on youtube but none for this problem

Its relatively simple, create an R15 animation for sliding and then when the player hits a certain button, the player will slide. Make sure only the legs are used for the animation. The script is on YouTube if you didnā€™t know.

Unfortunately, the model is currently not for sale, so I suppose this is officially dead.

Refer to this reply:

unfortunate news.

Anyone know what happened to the Discord Server? Iā€™ve been out of the loop for a bit.

sorry for bump, but could someone please share the model with me? Iā€™m unable to download it from the original post. Iā€™m willing to pay in robux for it. Thank you.

discord link is old, could we get another one please?

I think we need wait for new discord link I guess

Note that this system is including things like Morphine, which is banned from Roblox, and I found one of Korean SCP foundation game is deleted by this. You should remove these or change themā€¦


heres the link


Does this system use raycast? The reason I am asking is because im trying to make glass breaking script in my game, but I want any part with the material glass to be able to do it. I posted about this in my own topic and someone said if it uses raycast I could make it.

yes, it uses raycast and there are modded versions of this that can break glass

Links and files for ACS have been updated on the post, please refer to the ones om the update section.

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Downloaded the file, and it just doesnā€™t work.

The discord invite has expired by the way

Is there i way i can implement Warboundā€™s armor system into this?

Yes! Though this may seem a little tedious, just reverse engineer the ACS armor models. Too implement Warboundā€™s armor system exactly, I am not sure. Although, if you want to create custom armor, just follow the advice I gave above.

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just so you know btw 2.0 is R15 2.1 is R6 that could break your game if you dont choose the right version